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Is racism a form of mind control?

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posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 03:03 AM
Is racism a form of mind control? I mean look at this Trump phenomena. You have the BLM people doing what they are doing and then you have the racist white supremacist doing what they are doing. It looks like classical mind control. People's higher reason just shuts off and they become cult members advocating violence and vandalism. Everyone religiously defending their terrorist cult no matter how irrational the threats and acts of violence are.

I know TPTB are laughing their a--es off seeing the proles attack each other like a mindless alchemic golem/zombies.
Unthinking,unknowing, under the control of the occult priest class/dark command(de-luminati).
NWO:Look at these savages. They need us. Without our guiding hand they will cannibalize(zombie) each other when the resources are scarce.

What do you think?

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:22 AM
No, it's not "mind control".

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:25 AM
How would you define "mind control"? While I will disagree it's racism is a form of mind control, I do think the media does have a hand in influencing protests and riots that happened as a result of racism.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 05:34 AM
Racism is not a form of "mind control". Racism is real, so is the accusation to close down legitimate debate.

People in Europe who don't want a million, or more, immigrants with an alien misogynistic culture of intolerance and difference are often branded as racists. It's an easy accusation to throw around and avoids some people discussing the difficult issues.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Racism is a divisive tool used by the media to promote infighting. We been conditioned by the way they raise us from early on to bicker amongst ourselves…

Along many lines: class, wealth, religion, education, popularity, demographic, skin color, ad infinitum. United we stand, divided we fall.

What 'class' are you in, are you ahead of the class, are you 'passing' your class, what 'grades' are you getting… did you get a 'degree'? Are you part of the upper class?

edit on 20-3-2016 by intrptr because: change

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

In a sense Racism is a form of mind control
In that the mind is controlled by pre set indoctrinations of others

As such Racism can be used to manipulate the mind

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

The only violence and vandalism I've seen has come from the Bernie/Hillary supporters.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Yes, racism is a form of mind control.

It is used to divide and conquer in conjunction with political party affiliation, geographic arbitrary division, social caste self-identification,& c.

NWO:Look at these savages. They need us. Without our guiding hand they will cannibalize(zombie) each other when the resources are scarce.

The thing is that when the resources become scarce enough, nobody gives a hoot about what the tv says any more: this is happening now and those who are still fed (mostly through the fed. govt. through public service employment, EBT or what have you) will think those BLM people are rabble rousers in need of a good oppressing like those Citizens for Constitutional Freedom who got killed and captured because they disagreed with the other BLM. Changing the sense of words and acronyms is mind control: saying *gay* means "same gender intercourse" or saying the department of "Defence" is handling the *attacks* on foreign nations are clear examples of how this BLM thing isn't an isolated case, and show that the people rallying behind the acronym are being played by the media when they could protest govt killing of civilians along with the white crowd who supports the anti-BLM protesters.

But as long as big brother is "giving" you your daily BLT, who cares?
These guys are from other races, other political parties, other states.. This doesn't concern you


posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

No....there a racists in shacks on mountains...and never go into no one controls them...

Ideology yes...mind control? No're lost on the concept of both terms...

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 01:45 PM
I don't think racism is a form of mind control. I believe it springs from the human condition. We tend to see differences quicker than congruent likeness. Humans are also a tribal and social entities so it is easy to fall for the us versus them.

Right or wrong it is what it is.

Though the Media sure have mastered manipulation of these traits.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Terminal1

People bouncing around trying to score points for their "team" and trying to feel empowered by their "magical skin powers".

It is like some weird cult.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Racism is a divisive tool used by the media to promote infighting. We been conditioned by the way they raise us from early on to bicker amongst ourselves…

Along many lines: class, wealth, religion, education, popularity, demographic, skin color, ad infinitum. United we stand, divided we fall.

What 'class' are you in, are you ahead of the class, are you 'passing' your class, what 'grades' are you getting… did you get a 'degree'? Are you part of the upper class?


We actually agree. Exceppt you forgot one part. Government uses it as well to keep us all fighting each other.

Its scary that Scientist have proven "race" to mostly be applied wrongly because there is only one "race" on this planet. The HUMAN RACE. This needs to be drilled into everyones heads daily. MAybe in a decade or so things might get better when all "ethnicities" can work together.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 12:02 PM
Racism is a form of tribalism. In-groups and out-groups, the "us" vs. "them".

In a way, its an extreme form of bullying. It makes people feel superior and gives them a feeling of power over their own lives. It also lends itself to a sense of "community" in which you can share your mutual distrust, hate, and fear of these "other" people with like-minded individuals.

It feels good to have our biases confirmed and agreed with. It strokes our egos to be told we are right. We like congregating with people who believe what we believe, and hate who we hate. It makes our world easier to navigate when we have a black and white world. It narrows the choices down one has to make in a polarized, black & white, binary world. It requires less thinking to go about your day when it's:

Us vs. them.

Those people are the undesirables. Those people we hate. Those people aren't as good as us.

You don't have to ponder "what if's" or other shades of grey between the lines. It's yes/no, hate/love. It's a lazy and easy way to go about your life, having things pre-decided for you before you even encounter them. A polarized/absolutist worldview limits and narrows the decision making process into extremes.

So, we band together with people who feed our egos about being right/superior ... and we limit our decision making and become lazy with our congintive processes by living in an absolutist/binary way..

When you step back, it's easy to see the attraction of racism. It's easy and lazy and takes no effort, and it makes us feel good about ourselves and bonds us with our peers.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Glad we agree.

Except you forgot one part. Government uses it as well to keep us all fighting each other.

I should have said the media speaks for the government , as do the schools, church, etc.

From Sunday school, the pulpit, the teachers desk, the news desk and the podium…

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Racism is a form of tribalism. In-groups and out-groups, the "us" vs. "them".

In a way, its an extreme form of bullying. It makes people feel superior and gives them a feeling of power over their own lives. It also lends itself to a sense of "community" in which you can share your mutual distrust, hate, and fear of these "other" people with like-minded individuals.

It feels good to have our biases confirmed and agreed with. It strokes our egos to be told we are right. We like congregating with people who believe what we believe, and hate who we hate. It makes our world easier to navigate when we have a black and white world. It narrows the choices down one has to make in a polarized, black & white, binary world. It requires less thinking to go about your day when it's:

Us vs. them.

Those people are the undesirables. Those people we hate. Those people aren't as good as us.

You don't have to ponder "what if's" or other shades of grey between the lines. It's yes/no, hate/love. It's a lazy and easy way to go about your life, having things pre-decided for you before you even encounter them. A polarized/absolutist worldview limits and narrows the decision making process into extremes.

So, we band together with people who feed our egos about being right/superior ... and we limit our decision making and become lazy with our congintive processes by living in an absolutist/binary way..

When you step back, it's easy to see the attraction of racism. It's easy and lazy and takes no effort, and it makes us feel good about ourselves and bonds us with our peers.

Totally agree.

The media promotes the special person or "chosen one" over the Joe/Jane average middle of the pack invisible guy/gal. Everyone is pressured to prove their value to others. Look at all the superhero movies. It totally plays on the fact that people want to be "special" or unique and respected(cool) by their peers. Clark Kent is a alien orphan pretending to be a human reporter. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire industrialist orphan that dresses up in leather suit and tights and kidnaps criminals saying "Where are they?!" and leaving the room while you are still talking.
They are unique,special,powerful,skilled... but respected by people in the city.

Racism comes from the fact that most of us are "average". Being "average" makes us feel awful and feeling obsolete among our peers is even more mortifying. All based on fear. So your skin pigment gives you magical powers. lolwut? That's all. No hard work,no overcoming challenges,no coping with irregularity/toxic situations/setbacks. Just magically you are born with magical ethnic powers and others deserve to worship you and be tortured,terrorized,humiliated or killed.

No you just want strangers to respect and honor you without the hard work,time,high level execution, and sacrifice.

But I guess its fun for some people to be a sadists or sociopaths.
edit on 22-3-2016 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 02:46 PM

Is racism a form of mind control?

One should actually say 'no' to your question, because the issue of 'race' is just one of the many things of difference between people's (as other posters have stated) that is used by some to further their own agenda. Ultimately, racism is the wrong word to use, but unfortunately, it has become synonymous with the real aspects of our species that drives the hate.

Race is about genetics, and to be honest, to hate someone simply because of the colour of their skin, or some other aspect of their genetic make up, ultimately begs the question of the so-called racist...are you right in the head? Clearly, they are not.

People don't hate each other because of genetics, they hate each other because of ideas that form mindsets, from which arise cultures that we each perceive incompatible with one another. Mindset and the culture that arises from it is what drives that which we term racism. The colour or any other genetic aspect of a person does not shape a person's mindset, nor has genetics ever formed cultures. Mindset and cultures are the fault lines and fractures in human society, and are used to play one off the other. The error is thinking that a person's skin colour is what formed their culture and their didn't, environment and circumstance did.

Primitive man did not put a bone through his nose because of his colour, he did it out of an some idea he conceived to give the act of doing so some kind of meaning, and from these kind of acts, and the perceptions of them, a culture was born. Racism is a term used in the wrong context.

Culturalism and the incompatibilities of ideas it brings together has either mistakenly or deliberately become synonymous with race, and it is entirely wrong in the intellectual sense. I would say it is deliberate, because with mindsets and cultures you can argue against them, because both stem from ideas, and no one can force you to accept an idea. Of course, this is a known fact, so in order to implement the successful mingling of different peoples without there being a constant battle between ideas, culturalism had to have a form of defence which could not be argued with, hence mindset and culture was made to represent race.
edit on 22/3/16 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

I wonder Why You only attached the Racist tag to white people. You might have done that by mistake but as a person I find that very offensive. As a Trump supporter I could care less about race and the number #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 issue with Me is being able to support My family honestly and without having to rely on the governments mercy. I was raised to be a responsible member of society and it's pretty offensive when I get called a racist for expecting other people to act the same.

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