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Can i cure gonorrhea naturally? Advice please

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posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Yes gonorrhea can be cured naturally. Mix three tablespoons of baking soda with a teaspoon of molasses in a half cup of warm water. Get a turkey baster or non sharp injector. Fill'er up and apply vertically to your urethra. Remember, just the the tip... Let sit for 1 minute, then apply a 1 half water/1 half apple cider vinegar solution with the same injector and accept the reaction. Let it ooze out as this is killing the infection. Apply 3 time daily for a week or until resolved. Then reflect on making poor life choices and go vote for Trump.
edit on 19 3 16 by IridescentPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

I am sorry for the horrible time you are having right now.
Both the physical and emotional.

I'm glad you are taking it seriously, and at this point i would hate to try anything beyond what the doctor is prescribing.
For STDs, I don't think I would rely on herbs, etc....and I am a person totally into natural remedies.

When I take antibiotics, I also ALWAYS take a good probiotic, one with multi-strains of good bacteria. And take it in between the doses of the antibiotic. For the duration of the meds....and I'd take them for about 10 days after.

IMHO, large doses of antibiotics over time can crag a body down.
It could be a large part of why you feel so yucky!

Also, the urinary thing?
Your could try cranberry extract, as directed on the bottle.
Less sugar and calories than cranberry juice...and more effective, IMHO.

edit on Sat Mar 19 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

yes cranberry capsules...or mannose capsules with cranberry extract...they both work by causing the urinary bacteria from clinging to the walls....drink lots of water and helps to flush it out.

the avo that turns your urine bright orange, yes it will relieve urinary pain but doesn't treat the cause and will mask the symptoms,,,and if you go for a test they can't test your urine when it is bright orange

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

I'm proud of you for living up to your generation and wanting to have a child with a guy who's sleeping around.

Sounds like Prime breeding stock right there.

I'm sorry you got yourself into this situation.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Hey hey...stop! You do not need to explain further because some knucklehead got smartazz with you. Its OK. Pay no attention to posters like that, OK?

Sorry you're suffering....and its not your fault. Good luck and God Bless.

Advanced Life Support

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Hope everything heals etc. In future watch where you stick.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

The new super strain of the disease is resistant to the first-line antibiotic azithromycin and could potentially become untreatable, according to the researchers.

apple cider vinegar detox, alfalfa and pau d' arco (2 pills 3 times a day until bottle is gone)

Apple Cider Detox Recipe (take it 3 times a day for 21 days)

1 glass of water (12-16 oz.)
2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 dash Cayenne Pepper (optional)

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 12:03 AM
Just an update, guys. I went to the e.r and they gave me a shot and a one time pill. Well it was 4 pills... They tested me and i will know if i still have gonorreah in two days.. If i get a call its a bad sign but if I don't it means that I don't have it anymore. I pray to god that they don't call me ! .. I should be clear now. Ive taken like 3 complete treatments. The doctor said that it could be after irritation from the antibiotics or the infection... I appreciate all of the get well comments and remedies. I will keep them in mind. Im serious about feeling better and getting back to my old self!

And to that poster that thinks i willingly had Sex with him knowing he was sleeping around I did not know.-.-

Oh and why do some posters think its bad to ask for advice here? I know its a conspiracy forum but this is also the health& wellness section. I have every right to ask here..

Have a blessed day everyone

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Next time you want to naturally allow your body to treat an illness then do so by getting your kidneys properly filtering. Your lymphatic system would handle such issues given the proper diet of raw foods, high fruit and herbals that promote the elimination of virals and toxins. Cleanse your body using nature's regenerative tools. By taking those shots and pills you have unknowingly destroyed beneficial bacteria in your gut and consumed the toxic sulphuric sludge in those pharmaceuticals which only add to the accumulation. Educate yourself on how the body truly works and what it is designed to consume. This was a blessing if you see it from higher ground. Don't mistake this as a unfortunate. There is great healing in the awareness after chaos. Youtube Dr Morse for great information on detoxification and regeneration.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: Lightbeing123

Oh and why do some posters think its bad to ask for advice here? I know its a conspiracy forum but this is also the health& wellness section. I have every right to ask here.

I can't speak for anyone else, but the reason I cautioned you against soliciting natural or nonmedical remedies here and urged you to see an M.D. is because opting for medical treatment advice from people who have not personally examined you and have unvetted backgrounds could have led you into territory where you could have worsened your condition. You have no way of knowing the veracity of the advice and treatments being offered to you.

Technically speaking, anyone offering you up a guaranteed remedy, whether it was effective or not, is conservatively speaking, practicing medicine without a license. I don't know you or anything about you beyond what you have posted in this thread, but the symptoms you described could indicate something rather serious and potentially lead to lifelong and irreversible scenarios beyond the STI.

No matter how well intended people are who were giving you possible natural remedies were, without a full medical history and access to lab results, blood work etc..., more unintended harm to you was a potential outcome based on the limited information available. There are definitely many scenarios and instances where this particular forum is an excellent place to seek advice and explore a wide array of options. I don't think anyone looking through this forum has ill will or intentions regarding the advice they were offering and some of it could be very beneficial. What you were describing however seemed to necessitate the assistance of a medical professional and sooner rather than later.

I'm really happy that you were able to get out and see someone as quickly as you did and even more so that it looks as if it isn't anything dire or serious. With an STI that can have lifelong effects, it is far better to err on the side of caution and rule out such serious complications instead of trying a variety of alternative remedies and missing the window where broad spectrum antibiotics are still a useful resource.

A few years ago through my own stupidity, I got a rather serious infection in my hand. I play music doing session work and own a recording studio. My hands pay my bills. I didn't have insurance at the time so I put off going to the ER for over a week. By the time I was talked into going, my hand had swollen up so badly that you couldn't see the joints in my fingers let alone bend them nor could you even tell where my wrist was anymore. I had developed blood poisoning and cellulitis along with blood clots in peripheral veins in my arm. Had I waited another day to seek treatment I would be typing much slower right now as I was on the verge of gangrene setting in and a particularly nasty case of sepsis because I delayed seeking treatment for so long. They estimated I had 36-48 hours before I had done irreversible damage that would have necessitated amputating the hand and a portion of my arm a little above the wrist as well as my organs beginning to shut down due to the sepsis. I got lucky and spent just over a week in the hospital hooked up to an IV antibiotic called Vancomycin that actually damaged the veins in which the IV was inserted because it is so potent. The look of horror when my daughter, who was in kindergarten at the time, came to see me with all of the needles, wires and monitors I was attached to was enough to ensure I wouldn't be so lax again in the future when it came to seeking the appropriate medical attention as soon as I was able.

So back to your question quoted above, you certainly have every right to seek advice in any way you see fit from any number of sources. But if I can help someone avoid irreparable, long-term and life altering problems that could have been avoided altogether by encouraging them to seek legitimate, professional medical assistance, and in your case some of the potential outcomes could have been sterility or death, both of which preclude starting a family of your own, I will strongly encourage that person to get to an ER over eating yogurt and probiotics... I'll do it every time. Again, I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't trying to be a negative Nancy nor was I attempting to talk down to you or be brusque in anyway at all. With symptoms such as what you described, there is no substitute for an actual physician. With that said, once you get in to see a Dr. you can then run some of the other options by the physician to see how they could affect the medications you are or have been on since February 4th. At that point, in addition to whatever new medications or extensions of previous prescriptions, unless it will interfere with the efficacy of your scrips, adding in probiotics to the antibiotic regiment to boost their assistance and adding in cranberry juice to help out the UTI... there is absolutely nothing wrong with adding complementary treatments of known value.

I'm glad you were able to get to the ER and see someone and to you on a speedy recovery and hoping you're on the mend and feeling better ASAP
edit on 20-3-2016 by peter vlar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Otherwise i would have obviously stopped having sex with him or used protection. The only reason why i dint was because i wanted a kid from him and he told me he was tested.

Hysterical. I haven't laughed that hard for awhile! Freaking ATS.

Dude, dindu.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

I wasn't talking specifically about you though. Im glad you gave me that advice. Thanks to that i will know if i still have that disease and treat it with different antibiotics is necessary. I have posted on the relationship section before and people said the same thing about asking for advice on a conspiracy forum. You're very right about all of this...
They gave the the same treatment from when i went the first time though/: if it dint work the first time, what makes them think that it's gonna work the second time? Im just gonna trust them. They know what they're doing. Maybe im just jumping into conclusions and its already gone. These synotoms could be from side effects of the medicide, the infection or the miscariage etc.. I read that inflammatory from the infection takes a while to go away and heal. At this point all i can do it wait.,, i will keep you guys updated, thank you again..
edit on 20-3-2016 by Lightbeing123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 01:57 PM
So today ive noticed that my hand and arm bones are hurting. It feels like i have arthritis. I hope its just cause of the medicine but i heard that the disease could give you arthritis.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Have you thought of getting tested for allergies?

About a year ago I was discovering slowly and painfully that I had a nut allergy. The pains in my arms and hands were excruciating and I never for a minute thought they were connected to the allergy. But, it turns out that was at the root of the problem.

I hope you will soon be on the mend and able to put all this behind you

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Being a Personal Trainers Perth it has helped me listen to my clients needs and they appreciate that I listen.

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. Being a personal trainer perth many clients of mine lead busy lives and it takes a toll on their immune system.
It sounds like it's been a very stressful month for you and stress weakens the immune system. A few things that might help bolster your immune system naturally and reduce stress/energy levels are:
1. Get some fresh air outside, go for a walk and move a little everyday
2. Stick to nutrient dense wholefoods and stay away from overly processed foods with few nutrients ie junk food
3. Vitamin C is an extremely important nutrient for boosting immunity. Include plenty of foods high in vitamin C in the diet, including fresh fruits and vegies, especially citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage and parsley
4. Cut out alcohol, don't smoke
5. Get adequate sleep
Doug| Personal Trainers Perth

edit on 23-3-2016 by Doug2016 because: not posting whole comment

edit on 23-3-2016 by Doug2016 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2016 by Doug2016 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 07:33 AM
Hello there. Stick with the antibiotics and as somebody has suggested, take probiotics alongside. I buy probiotics off Amazon.

You cannot cure it naturally and it can have lasting effects if left untreated.

Symptoms can prolong even after the course of antibiotics because of the damage STD's like Ghonorrea and Chlamidia will do during your time infected.

Antibiotics are very, very effective. If you are unsure remember to discuss ongoing symptoms with your GP.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: research100

Sorry to hear this has happened to you Lightbeing123. Being a personal trainer perth many clients of mine lead busy lives and it takes a toll on their immune system.
It sounds like it's been a very stressful month for you and stress weakens the immune system. A few things that might help bolster your immune system naturally and reduce stress/energy levels are:
1. Get some fresh air outside, go for a walk and move a little everyday
2. Stick to nutrient dense wholefoods and stay away from overly processed foods with few nutrients ie junk food
3. Vitamin C is an extremely important nutrient for boosting immunity. Include plenty of foods high in vitamin C in the diet, including fresh fruits and vegies, especially citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage and parsley
4. Cut out alcohol, don't smoke
5. Get adequate sleep
6. Get some sunshine, vitamin D and endorphins

Working at Personal Trainers Perth has helped me listen to my clients needs and address their stress levels which studies have shown can weaken your immune levels dramatically. In today's age the body is bombarded by stress at a more frequent level than past decades.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 08:04 PM
Just a quick update. I am ginorrhea free!
I went to the e.r on sat like a poster suggested and they tested me for gononorrhea.
Today i got a phone call and they let me know that the test came out negative!
I am so happy... The doctor said that the symptoms i still have are after irritation from the infection and the antibiotics....
Im on my way to being myself again...
Im never trusting anyone anymore.... Im always using protection next time no matter what they say....Im not even having relations anytime soon ..... Im gonna wait to get engaged. all these std's and hiv is not worth it .. Its so scary... I wanna thank all of you for giving me advice good or negative its an eye opener and tough love so i can learn .. Well guys always use protection ok.... Take care (:
edit on 23-3-2016 by Lightbeing123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2016 by Lightbeing123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

That's wonderful news!
As you said, lifestyle changes MAY be in order...
so that you can remain healthy and live a long and (hopefully) happy life.
So that, one day, when you do fall in love you can give of yourself freely.

Have a great night! Time to celebrate...

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Lightbeing123

Thanks for the update, It's really awesome to see that you got the all clear and are on the mend. It's also good to see you're taking this as a good learning experience instead of focusing on the negative. It's a crappy life lesson to be sure but not one you will soon forget and the ability to turn a crappy situation into a positive is always a win.

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