posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 06:50 PM
This is my Theory. Some might call it a conspiracy theory. But I really truly believe that your vote doesn't count, at least in my case it doesn't.
In the end, it comes down to congress, the board of advisors, and of course the illuminate.
Trump, Hilary, Bernie... They will all do the same damn thing. Nothing has changed for 200 years. We will go to war every 10 years or so to get return
back on our investments. Investment such as 15 dollar nail, 30 dollar hammer and 30 million dollars jet.
Pretty much what I'm trying to say is, it's all an illusion. The real difference maker are invisible to us, the sheeples. Nothing you do will be
able to change the system. The only we can do is change our position in the system.
If you're tired of being broke and in debt, then get off your ass and work. Work on yourself, work on your skill sets, work, work, work.
Voting for a specific candidate will not make you rich like magic. If Trump become president it'll be the same Sh*t, different President.
So many debates, so many threads, all for nothing!