posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 10:47 PM
Even though I am from Australia I am interested in the US elections after all who wins gets to be in charge of thousands of nuclear weapons.I think
Trump is probably the most significant candidate for decades I cant say whether I am for him or against him,there are assets such as business and
negotiation acumen and there are liabilities such as being a blowhard with occasional foot in mouth syndrome but I don't personally judge someone
unless I have either met them or researched them exhaustingly.
So far Trump has been attacked by virtually all and sundry left and right,and all the snakes hiding under the rocks are being dragged into the
sunlight.Apocalypse means the unveiling or lifting of the curtain to reveal,could this be the election the sheep wake up,there is obviously a
significant population of disenfranchised people by the end of this election they may well know the spell they have been under and the scam they have
participated in unknowingly.
Some media has reported Goldman Sachs sponsors virtually all the candidates(they also virtually control European and Australian politicians also) but
not CNN or Fox yet although Trump may force them to as he is making these secrets the media wont tell public.Today all are reporting on George Soros
and Move on etc as part of the sponsorship of the Trump rally disturbances but did you know John Kasick also got $220,000 from Soros he is not
just a Democrat supporter.
Many lobbyists play both sides and with the establishment you would of got TPP,NAFTA and all the rest in either a Republican or Democrat regime,people
are waking up to the invisible hand.
Finally a poster here posted this quote,'if you kill me now I will come back at the head of a far more powerful nation in need of a leader and you
will feel the arm!'...Benito Mussolini 28 April 1945 just before his death.
My mother saw a Trump speech and swears he is Mussolinis reincarnation,she can remember him as a child,I have looked at you tube videos of both and
yes there are scary similarities in body language and expression in which case if he is a Captain of the earth destiny will sweep all before him
Back on topic do you think the system will be exposed bare this election cycle and what do you think will happen.