TLDR version:
Question everything, but how do I find the answers?
Who are the Puppet Masters?
Forgive me, I created this account long ago, when I was in my twenties so I'm a little rusty at making threads, but I'll try my best. I don't expect
anyone to read this in it's entirety I just needed to vent to someone about real instances of conspiracy or odd happenings that I see, yet everyone
pretends not to see. Believe it or not, I actually joined this site in 2008ish due to seeing a thread about Jarrah White and his Moonfaker videos. I
used to go out a lot. I was a dancing club rat. I was just a really average black girl, but I still kept my eyes close to this conspiracy, as it was
the only one I was interested in at the time. I found this website helpful, that is until I noticed Nasa workers on here like the Kepler guy who photo
shopped himself as Obi Wan Kenobi and made the outlandish claim that the reason more Space Exploration wasn't happening was because people just
weren't interested in it.
But what are my credentials? Who am I to debate, disprove or prove anything? What brought me to this site, and what keeps me here? I have no
credentials, my debating skills are #, and I'm here active again on this site because I am broken, scared, and lost. I'm here, hoping to discover the
truth, however painful that may be.
In December, I lost my mind, simple as that. I went to the hospital, frantic, in hysterics and a panic because I felt something happening, but
couldn't quite describe it. I had been watching some videos of Isis/ME for a thread when I saw soldiers being 'fed something', then there were 4 other
videos which I did not understand. I've occasionally been looking the situation in the ME since the black genocide happened in Libya, which to this
day blows my mind that this went completely undiscussed by my fellow black Americans. Each day, I would look at different leaders in the black
movement, and wait for them to touch on this, but strangely none ever did.
We're talking about men who pumped their fists in the air in the 70s in protest about what was happening to brethren thousands of miles away, yet no
one had a word to say. Thats a damn conspiracy in itself. Forget wonderland, I feel like I'm living a strange tangled web that goes on for miles.
Catacombs filled with humans, some of which know the way out, others who oversee this place, and more strange beings that I'm not even sure of. People
with no faces, how is this possible? There was a video about Satanic Disney messages, which before 12/31, I wouldn't have even given a thought to.
However, the picture of a naked woman in the Rescuers Down Under clip appears to have a double face. The rest of her body is okay, but the face is
Back to the videos I was watching of the what's happening in the Middle East. There was one video in particular, which featured a seemingly white
male (tall with brown hair, in modern clothes) taking pictures outside of a galleria-like place, but he was taking pictures of children and it seemed
like when he took the picture they smiled (or were forced to), but when he stopped shooting they started crying, mind you there was a guy videotaping
the photographer. Oh and the background noise again didn't fit a supposed photog outside. There was wailing in the background. It was something about
that, and other videos that made me think that it was possibly Angels sent down to Earth to wreak havoc or a plague of demons spoken about in the
illuminati cards.
There was another video I saw around this time from an article on The Guardian, which featured a video, and the thing that jumped out at me was there
was a guy who pronounced some letters with a Z, like a German, like a Nazi, who was saying, "Why do we keep getting Zis wrong?" in regards to toppling
Assad. His demeanor was weird, confident like a master, yet psychotic like a monster. Why was he interested in Assad, and why did he say we keep
getting this wrong? What is it, rehearsals or something? Are the Legends true? That America did not win the war between Germany and we are under the
direct control of Germany? Or is this religious? That was just one of several videos I saw online that freaked me out and made me go a little nuts.
2 videos depicted enslavement of some sort. Its not visible thats whats weird about it. Its enslavement in such a way that the victim is made to act
in certain manners and maintain certain body expressions when in public, but all the while they are under the control of some very evil persons. Its
sort of like one of the earliest historical memes or phrases we have in existance: 'Laugh Now, Cry Later'. People are being made to put on a mask in
public view, but by themselves they weep aloud. Wasn't there a theory that a base of Nasa's is made to look like the Laugh Now Cry Later masks? Is
this the real reason for the charades? It sounds fitting. There was a video from ArchAngelMichael which featured a strange, and hostile exchange
between Neil Armstrong and the Mission Control-men.
I'm literally thinking of so many different theories right now, but I am beginning to understand the 'We were told couldn't go up there' line is
possibly true. I used to think that was a lie; more alien hogwash. They. Them. Who are these people? Why are they faceless? If this is really
religious why do they torture in a manner that is rather Satanic? Is it true that Jesus is really Satan in disguise?
Another question, why do Free Masons worship Baphomet? Who is Satan exactly? If, (and I ask this in sincerest honesty), whites are set to be the
pinnacle of all that is good why would any of them join a Satanic cult like Free Masonary? What is occult? I'm a baby in trying to find the truth, but
I've done the calculations and I figure I have some time to find out what is real and what is fake.
If Hell is a murderous place with people being unlawfully resurrected, raped, tortured, killed, and resurrected again nonstop for eternity, then
again, why would any self respecting person worship Satan or want to have anything to do with it? I know about the as Above, and So Below sign, but
what does the 2 fingers, (the index and the middle), together mean?
There is some kind of weird puppetry, wizardtry, or general wtfkery going on that I really don't understand. Who are the puppet masters?
on 11-3-2016 by iamusic because: