+3 more
posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 10:49 AM
I really haven't seen many days where there's not another lie, scam, misleading, just something that helps Hillary in her race to call herself
queen. Here's a few examples.
News channel, I think CNN takes a poll of who won the Democratic debate. They take down the poll because it shown Bernie wins, and write an article
showing how Hillary was the best thing since sliced bread.
Polls on online media - when Hillary used to win, there would be a long article written with it saying how the article and polls unite to show us who
is Benevolent.
When Hillary started losing just about every single poll.. The polls now all have a "this is not scientific and probably even false" sign attached
to them.
The dnc favoritism is beyond obvious. Rooms full of Hillary decorations, any scandals or reports instantly and unquestionably favor Hillary, we know
the top lady favors her.
Just about every state has shady stories about her voters - from intimidation, refusal to count all votes towards Bernie, more decorations in her
honor, sketchy coin toss situations.
Super delegates are already being counted way too early - to ensure it looks like she has overwhelming support.
Her husband showing up at random voting places and distracting and possibly advertising her campaign - plenty of people are even calling for his
Time Warner being a major contributor to her campaign..
Where does this list end? She's obviously not playing honestly or fair and neither are her supporters. She's beyond corrupt and her supporters..
Support that corruption.
Damn it all.