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Enjoy watching Bernie destroy Hillary in the Univision Democratic Debate 3/9/16, I know I did!

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posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 09:26 PM
I think people need to distinguish between an endorsement and contributions and speaking fees. A candidate should not be held accountable for the actions of a person who steps up to a mic and endorses him/her without their knowing about it ahead of time. Taking contributions and speaking fees is a different story. You know the person you are dealing with and you either choose to deal with them or not. But when someone just steps up to a mic and endorses a candidate, that candidate is not responsible for or even aligned with the beliefs or actions of the person who endorsed them.

If someone from the KKK endorses you, that doesn't mean you are racist. It means they are. No more, no less. If al sharpton endorses you, that doesn't mean you are racist, even though he is. I don't mind holding politicians accountable for their associations, but there has to be a point where you stop projecting one persons views onto another. I think we can find better reasons to swing at politicians than contrived bs like that.

All in all, it was nice to see someone hand a smack down to hillary. Now she will spin it and start twisting words like licorice, but that is what she does. I just hope Bernie has the stones to stand true to his hype and not fold if he gets elected.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 04:07 AM
Proud to be everything Liberals hate. Go Trump 16'

"I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern Capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of Capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd." -Garry Kasparov - multiple world chess champion and Grand master.
edit on 11-3-2016 by EyeKyu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 11:31 AM
IMHO, neither deserve to be President. One's communist and the other a traitor.

Now before anyone get's their proverbial 'political undies' in a wad...let me make clear, out of the 'selection' we currently have...there is no clear winner, but B and H need to just leave and never return.

I'd rather have Oprah (and I have a very dim view on her currently) as President...

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: elementalgrove

With his already surprising success in these primaries I am actually beginning to think he can --- spare this country from this horrific saga of families that have so destroyed this country and many parts of the world with it!

They're not done. They will stop at nothing short of world domination and or total destruction. From behind the scenes or not, legally or not.

Bottom line .... Bilary started the GFC snowball rolling in 1992 .
..... by burning the servant who was really the master .

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: vjr1113
"we need smart immigration reform" -Sanders

wait for it, wait for it


Will that be like the smart transparency we see with the current administration?

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: EyeKyu

I dunno. The Scandinavian model looks pretty healthy. You don't think the fact that the Soviet state was a kleptocracy had anything to do with it, do you?

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: EyeKyu

One would think that Kasparov would know what he's talking about...

So, too, did Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, and many another.

Given what they have to say about the dangers of Communism/Socialism? Is that a path we should even consider heading down.

No. Sanders is not communist...who's to say his fellow travellers aren't, or won't be? I'd rather not have to deal with that, thanks.

posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: EyeKyu
Proud to be everything Liberals hate. Go Trump 16'

"I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern Capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of Capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd." -Garry Kasparov - multiple world chess champion and Grand master.

Explain to me how Europe is socialist and capitalistic at the same time?

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: EyeKyu
Proud to be everything Liberals hate. Go Trump 16'

"I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern Capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of Capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd." -Garry Kasparov - multiple world chess champion and Grand master.

I would like to correct you on two things.

1. If you are voting for trump, you are voting for Hillary, is it not obvious he works for her in the great game of divide and conquer. Their ties to the CFR should be a dead give away.

2. As to the quote, um I do believe that Soviet Russia was communist, with the corruption of the banksters on top of it.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 01:52 PM
I live in Norway, which is more or less a socialistic country, and the welfare system in Norway is one of the best. No wonder that Norway is the best country to live in (CNN 2015), when everyone gets the same treatment if someone needs to go to the hospital (yes, hospital visits are free) and you get money from the state if you lose your job. Furthermore the school is free and you get books, laptops etc. by the school (primary school, secondary school, high school). Yes, everything is financed by taxes, but you get so much back by the state.

I support Bernie Sanders by the way.
edit on 15-3-2016 by TheBIHPyramids because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2016 by TheBIHPyramids because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: EyeKyu

They didn't have socialism in Russia.

Russia tried communism.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

It tells me that guy doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, even though he lived in "communist" Russia, which wasn't really communist anyway.

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