posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 01:35 PM
Relevant information has been collected, condescending humor taken with a grain of salt.
Because I am an American citizen presumptions have been made by replies I understand.
Reasons for inquiring of relocation are as stated in OP I do not care much at all for American culture and throw away society.
If I ever leave i do not intend on bringing my "American lifestyle" with me but adapting to the way of life in the relocation area.
I do not have any material possessions other than art supplies and the basic amenities such as bedding and basic toiletry supplies and several
changes of clothing.
I have lived 5 continuous years in a 3rd world country prior so I am aware of the stigma of being American but once able to look past that people are
generally accepting if you open up to them .
Edit: I don't want to give off the impression that I do not care about my country of origin. I care about it deeply and have participated in
communities that value the preservation of the land and it's people but the scales are tipping
edit on 7-3-2016 by sociolpath because: (no reason given)