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Who In the Heck is Voting for Hillary Clinton? And Why?

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posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Realtruth

This thread was never about wanting to understand as you said in the setup. It was an opportunity to be mean and force your opinion on others. So much for "realtruth".

I'm not quite sure what you are referring to.

Where exactly to do you feel I was being "Mean" and
"forcing" my opinion on others? If you feel threatened or hurt by something I posted please point it out, and we can discussed it.

Thanks for you input.
edit on 7-3-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

No. This year the real mean of human is out because of trump. I will remember.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Realtruth

No. This year the real mean of human is out because of trump. I will remember.

Why not focus on the positive things then?

One person isn't going to change our world, in a major way, unless you allow it to happen,especially someone like Trump.

If we choose to remember negative things, experiences, and focus on future ones, that is what our lives will become. Everyday we have a chance to remake ourselves, in a new light, and with baby-steps a brighter future.

Self-empowerment is wonderful and takes some work, otherwise we can easily choose to play a victim role. When things have gotten really chaotic in my life, I focused on how to change directions, and refocus.

Personally I will not allow one individual, be they Hillary, Sanders, Cruz, or anyone else to dictate my life's MO.

If the majority of the people on this planet were even remotely self-empowered, and not giving their personal energies away to these corrupt leaders, we wouldn't need them at all.
edit on 7-3-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 12:45 PM
Ok, read through it all, and it's crap. I'd really like to hear Hillary's strong points as well, but I saw maybe 3 supporters and all I get is because Bernie won't win. I'm trying to keep positive and balanced and if you REALLY do have a REASON why Hillary is tops, please, PLEASE share...

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

And watch how fast America follows its grand first female president into WW3. Theres a reason the GOP brass would rather have Hillary than trump; she will keep everyone's pockets lined with oil money & lead an ever increasing military industrial complex.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 04:22 PM
The novelty of electing the first black President has worn now we have to elect the first female President, of course. Shame on you for neglecting your brainwashing.....

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:31 PM
I've decided after much deliberation to write in Optimus Prime. So to answer your question: I don't know. Not me.

I respect everyone else's vote, however. All we can do at the end of the day is appease our own conscience, whatever that means.


posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 02:13 PM
I don't post or comment often, but I have posted on Facebook several times asking my large friend's list if anyone is voting for her, and I also have not found a single supporter. I have heard of two, but haven't spoken with them. I also believe these supporters are largely fictitious, yet she will still win the general. It's all corrupt. I am one of those former Ron Paul supporters turned anarchist after the last selection. Its all a sham, your vote doesn't count, the establishment will choose who they want, and the rest of it is a dog and pony show.

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Realtruth

This thread was never about wanting to understand as you said in the setup. It was an opportunity to be mean and force your opinion on others. So much for "realtruth".

I'm not voting for anyone, but that was also my impression.

posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 08:27 PM
Stopped voting a while ago, don't see the point. The establishment will get the person they want into office one way or another. The choice this year will be an experienced criminal or a reality TV blowhard. Shoot me now.

posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 10:56 PM
You've asked a question many people contemplated for many years. I totally agree it's a question of worthy interest. Like so many I've wondered the same and i have my own opinion that seems valid. Hitlery is everything and nothing in all areas of political thought. She claims to be the answer to the pitfalls of Wall St. manipulation yet she, like her husband, are the product of Wall St. Bernie accuses her for her involvement with the nefarious aspects of Wall St. and does so with worthy motives. Yet Hitlery, in her way of being on both sides of the coin, insists she will force true reform in badly needed areas of criminal behavior of the Wall St. power elite. Recent political ads has Hitlery denouncing the predatory pricing antics of Big-Pharma as if she is the superstar of pro-consumer martyrs. In reality she is only fulfilling the role that is expected after govt. neglect.

Wall St. is not stupid. They do as what the law allows and recent behavior is backed by loose language within legal jurisprudence. Consumers are caught between frivolous factions to keep a constant battle among the courts. Either past decisions or new laws keep the same direction only to be attacked from another position. Legalese is the language that allows no reform in reforming. Big-Pharma is aware that their behavior is and will be attacked for obvious reasons and Hitlery is poised to do just that.

However, as anyone who watched the latest debate, Hitlery's answer to Bernie's critical accusations is "although there is a real need to reform Wall St., I'm the one who can do so...but let's not throw the baby out the window with the bath water to do so" is the proof in the pudding. History has shown brief situations where govt. officials legislated laws to stop and or limit unwanted and dangerous behavior among the power elite. The Glass and Steagall Act of 1933 is a good example in that such behavior was illegal and could not pose a threat to America's economy.

Aside of the argument of the pro's and con's of that Act, the recession/depression of 2008 that rivaled the "Great Depression" only happened after the repeal of that Act. One can only argue that the language of the Glass and Steagall Act was strong enough to withstand frontal attacks from predatory capitalists. Or, in in other words, essential and comprehensive reform that had the teeth of Law to prosecute, convict and imprison those who violated the provisions of that Act.

Hitlery is what she was trained to be. Just another garden variety attorney well versed in the great game of Washington. She has the experience to deal with the power brokers of Wall St. With that in mind, let's not forget such brokers "ARE" the shadow govt. and so far they "own" the system. Hitlery, like her husband, are employed by the Eastern Establishment. Her power is the power given by her employers and that is not you or me. She, like all who wish to climb the power ladder of both parties has been briefed on her "duties" during her "meetings" with the power elite. So again. she is both everything and nothing in the big machine of governance. Also, this is becoming so obvious by the public.

With that in mind, You're question is valid. Why would anyone vote for her? But, let's add to the equation. She, like all contenders are funded by the same super-pacs of yesteryear. The Supreme Court rulings in recent years allows big-money interests to dictate election terms and results. Everyone on both sides of the isle are bought and owned and although it appears there is huge differences among those involved, both do as they are told and Wall St. wins everytime. It became obvious to me many years ago both have valid points yet both have incredibly stupid aspects hard to swallow. I,E., Hitlery's assertions that gun manufacturers and dealers are guilty in providing firearms to criminals regardless of the fact they sold according to law. In other words, the person who sold a "tool" is guilty "if" that tool is used in the commission of criminal act. The smartest thing I've heard from Bernie is when he scoffed at such determinations. Only Hitlery could stand stoic when uttering such garbage. The GOP on the other hand, is just as bad when they hide the fact they author and support anti-consumer legislation and back "behind closed doors" negotiations in free trade agreements.

You, and I, are left to decipher all issues and who supports each that is contrary to our best interests. The Eastern Establishment is aware of this and it's part of their mission. They depend on those who get frustrated and vote on single issues. The only thing guaranteed is both parties will bring horrific realities to the public. In some cases both sides agree on certain issues regardless of the damage. This was obvious when Hitlery was spotlighted with her support of NAFTA. The greatest blow against the American worker.

When one is cognizant of the cluster-# situation and anger is at the highest point known, people like you and I are left with the notion of voting on one extreme or another. Do I vote for Bernie, a socialists, in a means to bring back the middle-class or should I vote for Trump, a ultra-nationalist, richer than God who shows no respect for individuals and brag he will make America great again. To vote in any other fashion will only solidify the future to past practices. When the smoke clears we may have something worse and further decline of what's left of our rights.

After answering you're call, I now have a headach. Are you happy?

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: schadenfreude


posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

Nice OP Realtruth! I can say this. If she wins we will have 4 more years of Obamacare.

posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I'll give you a handful of talks I've had with African Americans of various ages, all of them your typical Democratic demographic. We will talk elections and they offer up this kind of statement. "I like Trump, he'll get things done. It's not like I haven't given the Democrats time, what have they done for me?" They have heard the Democratic promises, but no results. They are tired of having politicians and big businesses ship "their jobs" somewhere else. People are waking up, worldwide, that Globalism means lower standards of living for the developed world where they live and raise their families. They don't like their country's being drained. Can't say I blame them.

Of course you will dismiss my statement. However I didn't hear the same kind of statements with Romney last time around. Trump will poll better with minorities than people think.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 05:26 PM
I respect a lot of peoples opinions on this thread and I want to revive it real quick for my input. Not only do I also really want a firm stated answer on why you are voting for Hilary but I want to know more... "HOW"

How are people able to put some one like her into power despite her transgressions against the country she lives in?

Now I understand Trump is no better and I don't want to hear how every person has their own mistakes that make them incapable of being president... I want to personally know HOW someone could vote for this monster after she left innocent Americans to die. To me that is treason! And personally I am a contractor currently in Afghanistan myself. I don't want that monstrosity in office to leave me to die the day that things turn ugly where I am at.

Now we don't know the full legitimacy of these emails as the FBI hasn't finished their investigation (lol....) but, if she has been found guilty (and we all know even if she is nothing is going to happen because people of her status are above the rules) would that play anymore of a negative effect to the people who are supporting her? I highly doubt it.

I mean as long as the Hilary supporters get their rights to abortions it doesn't matter how many Americans lives we have lost and how many more would be put into danger from her pure negligence.

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