That's right, it may sound a bit odd, but it is well worth it!
I, of course, am referring to cooking with bread crumbs.
I was searching up healthier ways to make some common (at least around this table) food items, and I stumbled upon a few Meat Ball recipes that I'm
going to be trying out. All of which had substituted Bread Crumbs with Rolled Oats.
The article that I'm referring to is
this one from the website on '5 diet friendly meatball recipes', and I am very surprised with their respective nutritional sheets.
Here's their Italian Chicken Meatballs, boasting a lean
Calories 106
Total Fat 2 g
Protein 15 g
Per meatball!
Compare this to the recipe we usually make (using lean beef)
Total Fat 21 g
Protein 17 g
Per meatball!
Anyway, I got curious and wanted to see what the differences between the rolled oats and bread crumbs would be. Here's what I found:
The difference is massive in some key areas, the biggest obviously being the salt content. So, if you like your current meatball recipe, consider
swapping out the bread crumbs with Rolled Oats!
~ Use a little extra rolled oats when subbing for bread crumbs. For example if a recipe calls for 1 cup bread crumbs, replace it with about 1 1/4 cups
rolled oats
~ Grind your rolled oats using a food processor or blender with a milling blade, to mimic the texture of bread crumbs. I don’t always do this but I
need a lot less oats when I do
~ Season your ground rolled oats with dry seasoning like garlic powder, thyme, black pepper etc. to add some extra flavour. You can also add the
seasonings before grinding the oats
~ Store for up to 6 months in an airtight container
If you want to learn even more about them, head