posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to:
It doesn't matter. Trump does not have the necessary intelligence to carry the US in the right direction. None of this policies are based on EVIDENCE.
Most people including those on ATS do not base their policies on evidence and so we have no hope for an improving economy. I have a thread dedicated
to evidence that government programs do work. However, NOBODY has posted a SINGLE piece of evidence that ANY government program produces a net
benefit. Donald Trump has a bunch of government programs he wishes to put in, and he has no evidence any of them work. So, what hope could we possibly
have? None. Until political science is mature, nothing good will come of the government. Trump will make everything he touches worse, as none of his
policies are based on reality.
As an example, the last capitalist stock market play was a crash in the early 1900s. It was one of the worst in US history, and it lasted a few
months. The next time in the 1920s to 1930s FDR decided heavy intervention in the stock market. This time the recession lasted many years. But at the
end of it everyone was like, gee isn't FDR a great guy. No he was a MORON because he can't do basic policy decisions. Of course he wasn't really so
much of a moron such as a corrupt evil man, but it doesn't matter. Everyone had the opportunity to look at say... gee this time with government
intervention of the central banks the stock market and economy went to hell... our experiment in political science as was predicted didn't work, so we
shouldn't do this again. No. Rather, these people were re-elected by the mindbogglingly stupid general population.
I would say if something fails then stop it. Do big walls keep out immigrants? Is welfare the cause of immigrants who come and cause trouble? Is the
drug war the source of problems causing immigrants to commit crimes? These are all questions Donald Trump has no intention of finding the answer to,
as his goal is to feel important, not to ensure our problems are solved by approaching them in an unbiased open-minded approach designed to solve the
problem at the cost of our ego when necessary. On the contrary, Trump is concerned with feeling right, not being right. Otherwise he would think using
logic and reason now and then to change his mind. Until then, he has no capacity to do good in government.