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Nabisco Workers Uprise Over Layoffs As Jobs Move To Mexico

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posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: schuyler pampered no not the workers the guys at the executive levels who only care about themselves and getting richer our government wants to let our jobs get outsourced for decades ever since bush said america was a service based econmy i have seen the writing on the wall. tariffs were in place before to try to make sure goods that could be produced here stayed produced here thats why cars from japan used to be so expensive and in turn companies like toyota moved plants here. bring back tariffs they work.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: xuenchen
Globalization = 1984 Scenario

It may be dystopian but it's nothing to do with Orwell.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Skywatcher2011

Trump is targeting Nabisco.

Yesterday, he was for the free market.

Today, he is against the free market.

Tomorrow, he'll be whatever the headlines need him to be.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

I am going to start a list.

Yes, we need a list. Iet's start one here. Careful though, some people you share it with prefer to be comfortably ignorant. Once I printed lists of all companies doing animal testing and brought them to work, thinking everyone would be really glad to have it. Some people were, but some seemed mad, so I approached it meekly, saying just for whoever is interested, but they got so encredibly pissed, it was shocking. Like, red in the face yelling "I like my ponds face cream and I will never stop using it!!" Folks don't like to be guilted out of their consumption.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

How about the Government make it more cost effective to keep the jobs in the states?

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Another big company is laying off workers and moving the J-O-B-S to Mexico.

This time it's the famous well known company Nabisco.

Workers are furious.

Apparently negotiations between the Company and the Union broke down and the Contract has expired !!!!

When will somebody stop this mania?

Nabisco Workers Uprise Over Layoffs As Jobs Move To Mexico

Nabisco workers on Chicago’s Southwest side protest on Wednesday over hundreds of impending layoffs.

Mondelez International plans to layoff 600 employees, and move those jobs to Mexico. 200 Nabisco workers say they have already received pink slips.

For more than a century, Nabisco has produced several popular products, like Oreos.

Negotiations between the union that represents Nabisco workers and Mondelez broke down earlier this week, and the contract has expired.

Apparenly only when Trump becomes president. He could be just full of hot air of course - but he's the only guy who has come out publicly, to the best of my knowledge, and said he will put a stop to the exodus of US companies to foreign countries. None of the other candidates will even touch the subject matter. It's your call of course. I am not telling anyone how to vote. Apparentley though, the other candidates would have you believe he's an evil and despotic racist. I guess it depends if you want to take the risk of that - versus keeping your job and your livelihood. It's a strange world we live in these days.
edit on 5-3-2016 by jimbo999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

How about the Government make it more cost effective to keep the jobs in the states?

Yes its really simple other countries do it. Germany for example problem is when your the number one economy in the world countries go berserk. Even the EU had an external teriff but they say its to get people to join the EU. But there's a catch if your a country like say China or India or even mexico you can't join the EU. Now if I were president I wouldn't throw up tariffs however right now US law is crazy it allows companies to deduct the expense of moving from their taxes. So the US govt picks IP the tab for relocating overseas. This is at the very least an insane policy. I believe companies taxes should go up for moving jobs not get a deduction.

The other thing I would do is require labeling as to where its manufactured and then start a vuy amarica campaign. If it was easy for people to see mist would make the right choice. If I was buying shampoo for example and I see one made in amarica the other China and it only costs a couple of extra dollars I'd do it. When sales slow in the US market you will see retailers running back to open up factories to show it made in amarica. Now their is no incentive they can save money on manufacturing and make bigger profits. Hurt their bottom line and things change.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

How about the Government make it more cost effective to keep the jobs in the states?

Try avoiding products made in third world countries with the use of slave labor. China is a good example. As long as China can pay someone $2.00 a day for their labor, US companies (and European companies for that matter) are either going to force your wages down (ala the European muslim "solution"), or move their operations overseas. Take the profitability away from these foreign companies by NOT buying their products - and buying Western made products instead. This will force the slave labor profiteers into early bankrupcy and as an added benefit, help keep US and Western workers in jobs.
edit on 5-3-2016 by jimbo999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 04:50 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

How about the Government make it more cost effective to keep the jobs in the states?

Yes its really simple other countries do it. Germany for example problem is when your the number one economy in the world countries go berserk. Even the EU had an external teriff but they say its to get people to join the EU. But there's a catch if your a country like say China or India or even mexico you can't join the EU. Now if I were president I wouldn't throw up tariffs however right now US law is crazy it allows companies to deduct the expense of moving from their taxes. So the US govt picks IP the tab for relocating overseas. This is at the very least an insane policy. I believe companies taxes should go up for moving jobs not get a deduction.

The other thing I would do is require labeling as to where its manufactured and then start a vuy amarica campaign. If it was easy for people to see mist would make the right choice. If I was buying shampoo for example and I see one made in amarica the other China and it only costs a couple of extra dollars I'd do it. When sales slow in the US market you will see retailers running back to open up factories to show it made in amarica. Now their is no incentive they can save money on manufacturing and make bigger profits. Hurt their bottom line and things change.

Exaxctly. More or less what I just said too.


posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

I don't really care if I send a message. I just want to avoid traitors and enriching them as much as possible.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

NAFTA, That is the first problem and has destroyed the middle class, along with our manufacturing base. Yet no politician will even address it. Well Trump has to some extent.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: mugger

"What do you think about the new TPP trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
SANDERS: I voted against NAFTA, CAFTA, PNTR with China. I think they have been a disaster for the American worker. A lot of corporations that shut down here move abroad. Working people understand that after NAFTA, CAFTA, PNTR with China we have lost millions of decent paying jobs. Since 2001, 60,000 factories in America have been shut down. We're in a race to the bottom, where our wages are going down. Is all of that attributable to trade? No. Is a lot of it? Yes. TPP was written by corporate America and the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street. That's what this trade agreement is about. I do not want American workers to competing against people in Vietnam who make 56 cents an hour for a minimum wage.
Q: So basically, there's never been a single trade agreement this country's negotiated that you've been comfortable with?
SANDERS: That's correct."

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

There would not be many products for people left to buy. That's a simple fact.

Capitalism is a wonderful thing, I don't know why everyone keep complaining when things like this happen.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

And people can choose to do without. We have done it before, like in war time.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: WhiteWingedMonolith

You bring up a good point. The industrial revolution improved a lot of people's lives but I also think it made many people too dependent upon the system. When agriculture ruled the day, you could be poor and still feed yourself by in large as long as you had some land. Nowadays, people are dependent upon being able to earn money and purchasing their food. People no longer know how to take care of themselves.

I've often wondered if this will be down fall of civilization.

It has happening all across the planet.
The Globalist Corporate Elite want worker drones to serve them and to be dependent on them.
If you do not serve them, then you have nowhere else to run because they have made living off the grid illegal as well.

In China, 250 Million Chinese lived self supporting lives on rural land as farmers.
That all changed when the Communist Government bull dozed their lands and sent them to the cities to make widgets for their Corporate Overlords making a dollar an hour.

The Bilderberg / CFR / Corporate and Banking alliance want slaves

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Edumakated

Well said,

Americans can't fairly compete head to head with a foreign country that has a significantly lower cost of living.

Great Post
Lobbyists have kept housing, food and medical inflated in this country while at the same time deflating wages via Globalism. In India, housing and food is 1/5 of what we pay here.

Lobbyists want the higher prices possible here for their services and the lowest wages elsewhere.
It will not mathematically work.

Rent Per Month [ Edit ] Avg.
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 165.83 $
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 102.91 $
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 400.60 $
Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre 246.88 $

What happens when wages are normalized across the globe and they still want higher prices for those things here.

We will be worse than India here.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: EternalSolace
If only people would stop buying products from companies that outsource production. That's the ONLY way to stop it.

How about the Government make it more cost effective to keep the jobs in the states?

How can the government make it more cost effective when the corps can hire labor making a dollar an hour.
Lets see, we cut taxes to 0 the corps still look at 10 an hour vs 1 dollar an hour?
Perhaps you think the government should hand corps money to make up the difference?

Or lower wages for unskilled to a dollar an hour while living in a country with rent 5 times more than it is in other countries? You want all Americans to be living 20 to a room so that the fatcats can make bank?

When is enough enough?

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: works4dhs
Mr. Trump addressed that today.
He said if company X moves to Mexico he will slap a 35% import tax on their product(s).


Absolutely needs to happen.

All the people here slamming unions don't have a clue, nor have worked over-sea's and seen what happens when there is no union's or OSHA. I have.

CEO are making ten's of millions and we have the middle class brainwashed here in the USA against Unions. The little guys fighting for barely minimum wage.

The reason the USA did so well is because of Union's and their fight for high pay. If a company moves out of the USA then let there be a huge import tax, like all the foreign countries do to the USA.

Wake up people because pretty soon the remaining loafs of bread will amount to crumbs, that everyone can fight over to feed their families.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth

All the people here slamming unions don't have a clue, nor have worked over-sea's and seen what happens when there is no union's or OSHA. I have.

I fell for the Corporate Media 10 years ago in the demonization of Organized Labor when they show cased General Motors Union Workers leaving the plant on the clock and drinking beer and making 70,000 a year.

Then I looked at the corruption in organized business and realized the corruption in organized labor does not hold a candle to them. Organized Business brought us all these trade pacts that are killing off this country so that they could inflate their stock portfolios, increase CEO Pay and stagnate wages for the workers.

There has to be a balance of power between Organized Business and Organized Labor
Sadly, Organized Labor is almost non existent. Unions only account for 6% of the Private Sector.

The working class has been under attack for the last 30 years.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: jacobe001

Is it possible to find stats that might show a correlation between union membership and job loss to foreign destinations?

The drop in membership might be because of factory closings and downsizing.

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