posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 08:48 PM
I've been on Ancestry for a while now. Went berserk for the first (free) two weeks, then added to it from other free websites. After a lot of research
and reaching a few dead ends, I paid for a month and filled in the blanks, then go off the paid deal again.
Right now, even though I'm back to the unpaid service, I still get my shirt tail relatives private messaging me with more information. I'd suggest you
try and talk to some of your distant relatives on there and ask them. Most of those people are big on sharing family history.
I've gotten my half brothers in touch with there half sister from their father's other marriage and most recently I've been talking to a distant 4th
or 5th cousin from my mother's side. Even talked to some distant half cousins too.
So do some networking, that will get you on the right path I'm sure.