posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 09:55 PM
originally posted by: zazzafrazz
I have talked a little about it here and there, but no I'm not going to ever talk in depth about my conversations I had with RN. Mostly I talked with
him about has nothing to do with anyone's business other then mine. Sorry I don't mean to be rude, but these were private conversations between family
originally posted by: interupt42
It would seem that way, but really anything would be better then the slow suicide note being written by the GOP.
originally posted by: mbkennel
School shooting, acts of terrorism, Celebrity scandals, ect ect. It basically came down to this, look at how badly the world reacts to mundane events
in the world. Now think how the non-mundane would affect folks. Personally I think he has a point. Polls may show that people want to know, but facts
show that people want comfort in the mundane. How is something like a real full blown disclosure going to affect people?
If any government ever came out and said that aliens are real, do you honestly think people will behave in a rational fashion? Sure some will, but
it's the ones that don't that cause problems for everyone else. What if the non-rational people are made up of the majority of a countries populace?
Then what?
I'm going to leave this thread with this thought;
"An armed confrontation takes place between a hostile individual, and a member of a world government. Everyone can see that the armed person was in
the wrong, and that the government official was right in the shooting. Bystanders on the scene openly say that the official was in the right to shoot.
Now does give people who weren't there the right to protest the event, conduct themselves in a violent manner, and force their self appointed view of
the truth on others?"
Now ask yourself;
"What if the hostile individual was form another planet, and wasn't acting in a hostile way?"