posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 10:59 PM
Two non-resident Police Officers in the Cleveland, Ohio suburb of Parma are registered as voters in Parma with the police Station listed as their home
address. A third is a resident of that city. Ohio state law permits officers to remove their home addresses from drivers licenses to be replaced by
the Police station address. It is not permitted on other state forms, however. An investigation of possible voter fraud is underway.The story from
Saturday, January 08, 2005 can be read at ---
The first two paragraphs are quoted below.
Three police officers face possible prosecution because they listed their headquarters as home addresses to register to vote Nov. 2, city officials
Mayor Dean DePiero said personnel records show two of the officers actually live in other cities, making them ineligible to vote in Parma, where a
$1.8 million police tax failed for a third time in November
A shorter version of the story was reported by the Ohio News Network. (ONN) This can be found at
I suppose the reason for allowing the officers to remove their home addresses from their Drivers Licenses is a safety factor, since they do have
contact with a criminal element who might decide an act of revenge might be in order.
However, there have been far too many questions of voter irregularities in this state this past election. This is a Department that has been plagued
by controversy in the past. This is a felony that can result in jail and a fine if convicted. We depend on the police to uphold the law, not
willfully violate it. I can not think of a good reason to commit voter fraud. At the very least, these three IF convicted of anything in connection
with this, should lose their jobs. I would hope they are not permitted to plea-bargain to lesser charges,