This video surfaced on Youtube feb. 24th, unfortunately it's in 240p. Thats my first red flag.
It's claimed to be shot on feb 23 near San Martin de los andes and runs a little over 2min. The lights are giving quite a performance, but they remain
pretty blurry when zoomed.
With the current CGI and the low quality I find it hard to say anything usefull about the objects so I try to focus on other things. One of them is
the movement of the camera and whether it is following the objects we're seeing in the video. This seems to be the case, particularly when objects
move. Although at other times I find it difficult to say what has the cameramans attention. Another thing is the audio and the emotional state of the
filmer. Two church bells are heard plus some traffic and singing birds, but no voices. The audio quality is much better and the filmer is remarkebly
quiet. He seems unimpressed by what he is seeing and, get this, someone can even be heard yawning at 1:19!
I find it hard to believe that in an urban area nobody else is seeing this and saying something, or the filmer not bringing it to the attention of
others or at the least saying something about what he is seeing.
One day later another version appeared, this time it says 1080p but I'm not buying that. The
zoomed in bits still look like 240p to me.
So I'm going with fake based on what I'm not seeing eventhough the lights are impressive on their own, but they're just too easily faked these
edit on 27-2-2016 by Jubei42 because: (no reason given)
unfortunately it's in 240p. Thats my first red flag.
Just because someone can't afford an expensive camera doesn't mean it's fake...I ran into my home to get a pic of a huge triangular cloud and then
realized (too late) that my camera was a piece of crap. It happens.
Everyone can see the same type of thing by paying more attention to the sky.
a reply to: Jubei42
Hi Jubei42, this is an old video from October 18, 2014 and it's a Fake.
Posted in Youtube by a certain individual who calls himself Siluetaoscura
from Madrid, Spain on October 18, 2014 but I think this fake was created
before. Looks like those fakes by the japanese hoaxer massato.
unfortunately it's in 240p. Thats my first red flag.
Just because someone can't afford an expensive camera doesn't mean it's fake...I ran into my home to get a pic of a huge triangular cloud and then
realized (too late) that my camera was a piece of crap. It happens.
Everyone can see the same type of thing by paying more attention to the sky.
I pay about as much attention to the sky as its possible to....what am i missing? Crappy cgi lights? Drones? Chinese lanterns? Venus? No...ive seen
all those
UPDATED - i knew I had seen this video before 2014 and I found out it was
created by a well known Youtube hoaxer by the nickname: xxxdonutzxxx
I'm sure you all know him. He has a bussines named Audio Color World and
all his videos are fakes. He created and posted this video on June 8, 2012
under the title UFO over Chelmsford England. A lot of copies has been
made since then. Check the video: