posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 12:28 PM
Hello ATS, first off I want to ask the mods to move this thread to the Aliens and UFOs forum if necessary. So here is a short case I did not find
in here. The source is in Spanish and English and I will be making a short summary of it. The sources will be at the end as always.
The following is an encounter with an alien that looked like Bigfoot (Sasquatch). This incident was witnessed by two men, a chilean architect and a
chilean judge, which was published in the American newspaper called
"Weekly World News" on June 2, 1981.
- Architect Oscar Zamorro and his friend, a judge, swear their encounter is true.
When the two chilean men were hiking in a remote area in the andes mountains they stumbled upon a big UFO that had a cigar shape and was flat on top.
It was about 73 meters (239 feet) away from them.
They thought at first it was a military plane, when looking for an insignia that would help them understand they saw a 1.82 meters (6 feet tall) hairy
human looking being that could be mistaken for a gorilla except for his face. Luckily for them the being apparently did not see the two men and so the
two men hided quietly behind some rocks and watched closely for over 15 minutes.
- Chilean architect Oscar Zamorro draws an illustration of the gorilla-like space alien and his UFO.
- An enlargement of the amazing craft and its ape-like pilot.
Suddenly, a metal ladder descended from the UFO and the being started to walk toward the UFO. Moments later the UFO raised like a helicopter quietly
then a few seconds later the UFO disappeared at a great speed leaving the vegetation where the ship landed burnt.
They remained silent about the incident in fear of being ridiculed and losing their jobs.
- The newspaper with the report (zoom in if you can't see it clearly or save the image and see it closely).
So what do you think? do you think one reason why Bigfoot (Sasquatch) is not been found yet is because he belongs to an alien race? or he comes from a
parallel universe where gorillas, apes evolved in a different way to us and are traveling to other universes? share your thoughts!
The source
Thank you for reading!