posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 12:07 PM
In answer to a challenge of the PC Governments failed Medical MJ law....the appeals court has struck down a ban on patients growing their own.....
This means that those who suffer can now alleviate their pain for six months (time for two crops) before the government (now Liberals ) can come up
with better rules....
It seemeth to me that the government is simply making an ass out of itself by trying to put the profits of a simple home grown cure into the hands of
profiteers (both the government with taxes and the grow corporations...)
The idea that the government can ban and regulate dandilions , or sassifrass, or MJ is ludicrous at best....
The gifts of nature belong to those who wish to avail themselves of them......
write that in the constitution why don't they?
The people will simply continue to ignore any and all laws regulating or taxing such naturally occurring , and available medicines...
The more they try to regulate such things ther sillier and more redundant the government makes itself become.....