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Students Branded ‘Racist’... School Mistakes Exfoliation Masks for Blackface (Hilarity ensues)

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posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Awe how cute...with everything i've written that you come to the conclusion.
Way to go ace....You're like that kid that keeps asking "why?" but never listens to the answer.

My translation of you "Just ask questions of his questions so it sounds like I know what i'm doing here"

Let me quote you - Kind of a typical tactic lately, that's moving beyond grasping at straws to clutching at thin air.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: unicornholiday

Just so we're clear on exactly what you replied to and what your focus was in your answer here:

originally posted by: unicornholiday

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: BestinShow

Too neatly done?? WTH! DUDE, have you yourself ever tried to get any kind of facial mask crap out of your damned hairline after it dries? It's applied exactly how I apply mine if I'm not hopping in the shower afterward (otherwise, if I plan to shower, I just smear it on everywhere)

And they don't look embarrassed to me at all. Tired & probably a little drunk at best.
This PC obsession can crawl back up the butt it fell out of.

You're right we should segregate water fountains again and stand against all political correctness..
If we're going to do it - let's do it right...Let's also build a wall to keep mexicans out, they're stealing our jobs.

Again, I ask WTH that has to do with a facial mask. Hell of a leap there.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: unicornholiday

Just so we're clear on exactly what you replied to and what your focus was in your answer here:

originally posted by: unicornholiday

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: BestinShow

Too neatly done?? WTH! DUDE, have you yourself ever tried to get any kind of facial mask crap out of your damned hairline after it dries? It's applied exactly how I apply mine if I'm not hopping in the shower afterward (otherwise, if I plan to shower, I just smear it on everywhere)

And they don't look embarrassed to me at all. Tired & probably a little drunk at best.
This PC obsession can crawl back up the butt it fell out of.

You're right we should segregate water fountains again and stand against all political correctness..
If we're going to do it - let's do it right...Let's also build a wall to keep mexicans out, they're stealing our jobs.

Again, I ask WTH that has to do with a facial mask. Hell of a leap there.

Your question only make sense if you truly believe those kids weren't being fukwiths.
edit on 24-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: unicornholiday

Just so we're clear on exactly what you replied to and what your focus was in your answer here:

originally posted by: unicornholiday

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: BestinShow

Too neatly done?? WTH! DUDE, have you yourself ever tried to get any kind of facial mask crap out of your damned hairline after it dries? It's applied exactly how I apply mine if I'm not hopping in the shower afterward (otherwise, if I plan to shower, I just smear it on everywhere)

And they don't look embarrassed to me at all. Tired & probably a little drunk at best.
This PC obsession can crawl back up the butt it fell out of.

You're right we should segregate water fountains again and stand against all political correctness..
If we're going to do it - let's do it right...Let's also build a wall to keep mexicans out, they're stealing our jobs.

Again, I ask WTH that has to do with a facial mask. Hell of a leap there.

Your question only make sense if you truly believe those kids weren't being fukwiths.

I do. Frankly, I believe the hoopla is severe overreaction, as with anything SJW these days. Everything is offensive, from a fart near a woman (never mind smell, that's sexist! oppressive!) to a dark facial mask (must be blackface, omgwtfbbq!) What utter idiocy today.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Spider879
You believe that these people set "a trap"? That they plotted this whole thing so they could be labeled racist and basically have their lives ruined for it? Dang. Why would anyone do that to themselves?

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: JustAnObservation
I haven't read through the entire thread yet so I apologize if this has already been posted, however, the 'PC' crowd must find Germans and Dutch people extremely racist. Just google 'Zwarte Piet," which is a companion to St. Nick - white people will paint their faces black for the occasion (and no it is not actually racist, though I believe it was fairly recently that this became controversial and some people were looking to ban the holiday practice or some such). Oh my.

Zwart Piet , and the Morris dance of the British Isle , along with the Christians Vs Moor Black face in Spain have to be taken in it's own historical context, In America we know the difference.
edit on 24-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: saintdopeium
a reply to: Spider879
You believe that these people set "a trap"? That they plotted this whole thing so they could be labeled racist and basically have their lives ruined for it? Dang. Why would anyone do that to themselves?

Im not sure if they did or did not because it's ambiguous enough to apply plausible deniability if needs be, which would be a near genius trap for an admin to walk into, but from what I can tell you these sort of fukwith incidences are on the rise and folks involved then claimed they didn'tdo nothing, or just didn't know , the skeptical among us may say they are full of sht and others may take their word for it,

Most of you guys remembered the above only last yr, after the fall out many were in tears and feeling sorry and the Frat had to move off campus and what not.
But I have a personal stake in this, My youngest daughter want to go to Uni in the states as she will graduate this march and Im very nervous about her experience as she has been living a very sheltered existence overseas and knows not what the hell may be in store for her, I fault myself in not preparing her for what her experience could be and I am truly afraid of all the Bullsiit that will come her way, she will have elders to guide her but their lessons will be harsh and uncompromising and I don't want her to hate her American experience/ heritage .

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 12:25 PM
In defence of the girls looking "uncomfortable" and not wishing to come across as cis-male scum (not my fault/genetics), anyhoo - has anyone tried taking a photo of a young lady without full make-up?
In my experience it has gotten me some negative feedback

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Butterfinger

We are all looking at a picture of the newest U of W millionaire's.

They can absolutely sue for libel and defamation, and will win.

The Chancellor seems to be a political activist, feels the needs to be judge and jury before gathering all the facts, and publicly humiliate, big mistake.

The Chancellor should be removed immediately for protocol alone, she let her PC and emotions get in the way of reason, etiquette, proper procedure, and logic.
edit on 24-2-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 05:16 PM
This is hilarious, not the OP but all the discussion. HA!

Yeah... they look uncomfortable because they have this sticky black crap on their faces...

I use this stuff all the time it works great, I get blackheads on my nose and this stuff works great to remove it.

Blackhead Acne Remover

I suppose I can't be considered racist, because I only apply it to my nose NOT my entire face. More like "black nose" than "black face". But I guess I did foul up, referring to the imperfections on my skin as "blackheads". My apologies to blackheads everywhere and any irrationally sensitive people that may offend.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 05:24 PM
Actually. I think we have stumbled upon a gigantic conspiracy of people being racist!! Look at all these horrible black faces I found on Youtube. I hope somebody is following up to vet out punishment to these horrible people. /endsarcasm

I did find some that I couldn't verify as racist however... These ones were fine.

edit on 24-2-2016 by smitastrophe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 01:47 PM
Pretty sad state of reality when people are so used to being oppressed they become paranoid. I dont find anything funny about it

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Glinda

Biore (a skin care company) makes a CHARCOAL face mask as CHARCOAL draws out impurities (gunk from clogged pores--dermatologically known as blackheads, that term, I'm sure, is not permissible anymore.)

CHARCOAL is used, for its same ability, to purify water, to absorb toxins taken internally (charcoal tablets they are swallowed), etc.

Now if they are used a green clay mask (Queen Helene makes an amazing one) would these kollege kiddies be accused of being insensitive to Martian life forms?

PC is truly insane.

No... they would have been reprimanded for making fun of the Irish

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: unicornholiday
Sorry, I call BS...They knew exactly what they were doing.
The guy looks guilty as hell for it too...He did not want to be doing that.
The girl though - she was down! for it....

I wasn't aware you were psychic? Amazing how you can do that...condemn and denounce people based upon how they look...which kinda sounds like...ummmm...racism.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Just a few comments.

1. There is a dramatic difference between black people in the USA and those elsewhere.
2. People make jokes about an ugly dog...usually because it is ugly. Many of the "racist" chants and jokes are based in reality and the actions of the people who are the brunt of the joke.
3. Sometimes people deserve the reputation they have built for themselves.

As sorry as I am to have to say it, I have known many black people that are deadbeat criminals. For me to point at them and call them what they are isn't is fact. No one in my opinion means to imply any entire group meets all the bad criteria often stated about them. But when the majority of those you meet from a group are "bad", that is also not is experience. The same way that if every time you see a snake and it strikes at you, you tend to believe a snake will strike at you.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I have known many black people that are deadbeat criminals. For me to point at them and call them what they are isn't is fact. No one in my opinion means to imply any entire group meets all the bad criteria often stated about them. But when the majority of those you meet from a group are "bad", that is also not is experience. The same way that if every time you see a snake and it strikes at you, you tend to believe a snake will strike at you.

And I know the reverse, but I also traveled a lot and it's night and day in my experience there is no judging or preconceived notions or anything and some of these nation were once colonial overlords of other ppls lands, and it's not that there aren't any good white folks in America , most whites who are in my inner circle are Americans and few from high school thru Navy (buddy program) to this day, conversely most of the Blacks who are Americans that I deal with, deadbeat criminals in no way describe them.
edit on 26-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I have known many black people that are deadbeat criminals. For me to point at them and call them what they are isn't is fact. No one in my opinion means to imply any entire group meets all the bad criteria often stated about them. But when the majority of those you meet from a group are "bad", that is also not is experience. The same way that if every time you see a snake and it strikes at you, you tend to believe a snake will strike at you.

And I know the reverse, but I also traveled a lot and it's night and day in my experience there is no judging or preconceived notions or anything and some of these nation were once colonial overlords of other ppls lands, and it's not that there aren't any good white folks in America , most whites who are in my inner circle are Americans and few from high school thru Navy (buddy program) to this day, conversely most of the Blacks who are Americans that I deal with, deadbeat criminals in no way describe them.

By no means do I ever imply my experience includes "all" of any group. But my experience differs from yours. Lived in NJ and now PA and it is exactly the same. Black people are generally looked down upon because of their actions or in-actions...not their color. The only time color comes up is in identifying the group you are referring to. And in most cases I've looked at is their own fault. But then again...there are people of all races doing the same thing. But for whatever reason, around here...the black community has a significantly higher percentage of "problem" individuals.
edit on 2/27/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Butterfinger
Don't you get the feeling "racist" is code for white genocide?

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