a reply to:
You're asking about stewardship rights of intraspecies and interspecies relationships?
Why does bacteria get to rule over so much life? Why does man get to rule over so much life? Why does man get to rule over man? Why does any life get
to rule over other life? And is it all just narcissism to believe that one has the right to be able to rule over another?
That's a pretty big topic, and I would have to answer similar to how I did above: I believe that there are stewardship rights, that is, a proper
hierarchy of things, and those rights, the proper ordering of the hierarchy, is dictated by God. Because the hierarchy is so vast, though, I think it
is best that you ask God about whichever order you're interested in, essentially seeking out the truth of the matter on a case per case basis.
Do I think all of it is derived from narcissistic behavior? No. Again, I think there is a proper order, a correct order, that I think narcissism and
other such disorders aren't apart of. Is it difficult to wrap your mind around? Yeah, it kind of follows in the same line of thinking as lies, in
that, lies exist so then there must be true lies or truly there are lies. Meaning: there are orders of righteousness and orders of wickedness, and for
a time, wickedness must exist within the same body so as to expose, expel, and refine it spiritually. Basically, they're for the day of evil/the day
of destruction - that is why they are in the body: to be refined or else cast out of the spirit. See: Proverbs 16:4 or the parable of the sower in
Matthew 13. For all the good though, there is a good order of things.
Oh, also, I think I should mention that the orders of things do have, within them, or do exist within, other orders. That is to say, there are sets
within sets, and so instead of things being strictly defined, there are really spectra, where each order can go into another order or across a spectra
as we are all within God and God is within us. For more info on that, see discussions on infinity and/or set theory, or see the Bible. And good
edit on 2/23/2016 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)