posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 12:14 PM
Hello everyone! There seems to be a LOT of arguing on ATS when it comes to who should be the next president, and why. There's arguments of different
economic systems, taxation, arguments of what will work and should work and could work. I am here to make an argument that supports the "trickle
down" effect, and also "Reaganomics", but also supports the opposite side of things.
You see, I don't think Reaganomics was successful for one simple reason. I don't think it's the superior way to do things, I don't think it trumps
every argument the left has. In fact, the way the left are leaning right now, I think the circumstances in which Reaganomics were implemented supports
the democrats these days. I used to be more right-leaning on economics - I saw the 90's and realized how great our economy was under a republican
congress, and how great our economy became after Reagan changed things up... However, I don't believe that anything is meant to last more than it's
You see, Reaganomics was very successful because it was a CHANGE. It was an adaptation, it was a look at the circumstances and presidents were smart
enough to change. Taxation was close to 90% for some time within the previous decades, and getting closer to Reagan, went lower and lower. This caused
a shift in the market, this changed things up. Businesses got ahead, the economy flourished.
Our ability to purchase goods and services has significantly changed over the years, our dollar simply does not go as far. Corporations and
individuals are hoarding masses of money, taking money to off-shore accounts, evading taxes, taking their entire business overseas when they feel
picked on... and the economy is simply drooping, we are no where near our best years no matter how much the obama fans tell you we are. For those that
say we need to give these people more money, for those that say we need to let them do whatever corrupt things they want...... I really cannot relate
to your way of thinking. Thinking "Reaganomics" and free market capitalism is the only way to live life because it worked during a specific time
period of change is extreme ignorance. The corporations have manipulated the process, seeing that instead of trickling down, they can simply hoard
everything on top.
My argument is that changing and adapting creates the best economies.
Previously businesses were charged far too much taxes and as a result, the economy was not at it's peak. Presidents changed this, and over the years
our economy became nearly the best it's ever been, even up until the Clinton era, we had a much better economy than now.
Right now, there's a huge amount of power, money, and corruption at the top. Something needs to be done to shift this power to the people once again.
Look up REAL numbers like a consumer price index to get a real look at the power ( or lack of power ) the middle class has these days. Look at the
growth within the economy, the numbers.. They are support the top rich people far more than they do the average person. History does NOT prove we need
to emulate Reagan to make our economy better, it DOES prove we need to adapt, change, shift the power in the correct direction - This is what happened
back then to make us great, and this is what needs to happen to make us have a greater future.
Anyways. Let me know what you all think.
PS. Don't give me any of that socialistic utopia crap, I'm not insisting on any system nor being hopeful of anything that the right may think I am.
I do not support 90% taxes, I do not support government ownership of businesses or land, I do not believe in equal wages for all.