posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to:
Your story reminded me of a bus story I had a few years ago. I was riding a greyhound bus (in the US this is a bus company that focuses on cross
country travel rather than city travel... a less expensive alternative to flying) and it was late at night. All I really wanted to do was sleep, but
I couldn't because of the conversation going on behind me as a woman was talking into her cell phone. The conversation drifted back and forth between
her work in a carnival, comparing and contrasting various hard drugs, her tenuous relationship with her family members because she wouldn't share her
meth supply with them, and lots of talk behind peoples backs of how horrible various people were.
That bus ride was something of a wakeup call for me. At the time I lived in a small town that is pretty well insulated from the urban culture.
That's when I realized that for as much as people like to debate about things like how much welfare spending we should commit to, who if anyone should
be invaded, tax rates, and everything else... the country simply will not be made a better place until we remove the self destructive cultures.
In this conversation, I said nothing to the girl. A few words from a stranger will never change anything. I did however write down the whole event
so I would never forget it. If one day in the future I get into politics (this would have to be the far future), given the opportunity I want to
revitalize areas of the country where this is the typical behavior.
I'm sure that has been said by a lot of people throughout history, and not always to good results, but I believe a society is properly judged by the
poorest, most downtrodden, and most vile among it and I refuse to think that there's not a way to help those people (the poor part is easy... those
with vile personalities, is a bit harder)