posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to:
May I suggest a change of mindset to something here? I used to teacher guitar and an important lesson to learn is to never say "Ive been PRACTICING"
or "Practice makes perfect". That is not necessarily true.
Some folks are completely tone deaf, and some will NEVER have a sense of rythmn no matter HOW much they "practice".
I suggest some positive reinforcement terminology. "Ive been PLAYING a lot more lately." It is the frequency of PLAYING one's instrument a LOT...that
makes one better.
To some? All the practicing in the world will just not make them any matter how much they do. So friend, youre doing good.
Just stop "practicing" and keep "playing" much and as often as you can, always trying new music and new chords and styles!
Your writing too is good. Dont stop that either! Dont practice writing-WRITE! PLAY guitar!
Best of luck!
Former Guitar Instructor
Copyrighted Songwriter
Published Author
edit on 17-2-2016 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)