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Iran Plays and Backstabs the US: Iran Dumps Dollar in Trade

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posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 03:50 PM
Hello ATS. Not sure if this has already been posted. Mods, you know what to do if so. However, here's the deal:

In a bold political move, Iran has decided to trade in currencies independent of the petro-dollar. This is a move by Iran to curb US dominance of world trade currency(ies); namely, the Petrodollar. Now that markets are opening up to Iran after the historic deal which removed sanctions placed on it, Rouhani has been busy making deals with several countries and the Euro has been chosen as the currency of trade.

he Islamic Republic will make every effort possible to scuttle US national interests and foreign policy in the region, as well as to destroy US status as a global power.

First of all, Iranian leaders believe that one of the factors behind US global influence is the power of the petrodollar. The US dollar is the world's primary reserve currency representing approximately more than 60 percent of identified currency reserves. From Iran's point of view, reducing the use of the petrodollar will negatively affect US power.

Secondly, this is the right time for Iran to back away from the dollar. For one reason, Iran is not risking a war with the US as the White House just signed a nuclear deal with Iran and is not willing to jeopardize its crowning foreign policy "accomplishment". For another reason, at this moment, Russia, China, India and European countries are on Iran's side more than before, due to Iranian markets opening up.

Third, Iran is attempting to significantly reduce its dependency on the US dollar in case Washington or the International Atomic Energy Agency realizes that Iran is cheating on the nuclear agreement and that sanctions should be rolled back. That is why Rouhani was rushing to seal business deals across Europe and Asia by letting the other party use any currency rather than the dollar. For imports, Tehran will be also paying with other countries national currency; the Euro, the Chinese Yuan, the Indian rupee, or the Russian Ruble.

Finally, there are still several Iranian individuals and entities which are restricted by US financial sanctions so they can not use the American banking system. Backing away from the dollar will help these entities, or individuals, to conduct business with other nations using alternative banking systems and currencie

Sounds like Iran is giving a big middle finger to the US. I'm wondering what effect/affect this move will have on a world stage besides limiting US influence...? Will this have serious implications on the US economy? What's the long-term financial fallout gonna be...? Or is this just another step in the eventual demise of the US by financial means? Has Iran just put the final nail in the coffin for the US economy? What says ATS?

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 04:03 PM
I've been sitting here all morning fretting over WWlll. So I turn to ATS figuring that perhaps it could give me a clue as to which country we are going to war with. All I keep seeing are these threads that have political and economic overtones, and now here I see that we even have a thread about an oil producing country dumping the petrodollar. Yet still I can find no clues as to where this next great war will start....It's hopeless.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: Arizonaguy
I've been sitting here all morning fretting over WWlll. So I turn to ATS figuring that perhaps it could give me a clue as to which country we are going to war with. All I keep seeing are these threads that have political and economic overtones, and now here I see that we even have a thread about an oil producing country dumping the petrodollar. Yet still I can find no clues as to where this next great war will start....It's hopeless.

If I remember correctly, WW3 is supposed to start somewhere around the Turkey/ Syria area. All of this financial/ petrodollar stuff is important. The last guy who tried to dump the Petrodollar( Saddam Housain) and trade in his own currency-the Dinar, got whacked. Now that Iran is moving away from the Petro-dollar, I expect to see some calamity(ies) in that part of the world happening soon.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 04:32 PM
Iran is not risking a war with the U.S?!
Are you kidding me Huntington post, way to downplay a financial move like dropping the petro dollar.
edit on 15-2-2016 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 04:38 PM
iran 'wants'. maybe change the headline?
they have not dumped the dollar yet.
oil rich countries have wanted to dump the dollar for ages, the last that declared that was gaddafi's libya who, was removed via carpet bombing and, our then allies ISIL.
to dump the recovering dollar for the weak euro would be pointless at the moment also.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Arizonaguy
I've been sitting here all morning fretting over WWlll. So I turn to ATS figuring that perhaps it could give me a clue as to which country we are going to war with. All I keep seeing are these threads that have political and economic overtones, and now here I see that we even have a thread about an oil producing country dumping the petrodollar. Yet still I can find no clues as to where this next great war will start....It's hopeless.

You are in the goldfish bowl looking out my friend.

WW3 will be the whole world vs America, Britain and a few allies the way things are going.

Why has Iran dumped the petrodollar?

Because the USA has become the whore of Babylon - she is as corrupt as the former USSR once was. She is morally bankrupt and spreading war and fear everywhere her tentacles spread in order to divert attention from the truth; the country is bankrupt and it cannot sustain it's economy any more.

The capitalist dream is dead - it became perverted into a grand ponzi scheme of corporate greed and obscene wealth where an entire nation feasts while the rest of the world starves and burns. But once you have burned the world down, closed all your factories, relying on slave labour abroad, raped all the oil producing nations for money and oil that is not even yours what is left?
edit on 15-2-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:24 PM

If I remember correctly, WW3 is supposed to start somewhere around the Turkey/ Syria area.

And this is according to what source? Curious...

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: Arizonaguy
I've been sitting here all morning fretting over WWlll. So I turn to ATS figuring that perhaps it could give me a clue as to which country we are going to war with. All I keep seeing are these threads that have political and economic overtones, and now here I see that we even have a thread about an oil producing country dumping the petrodollar. Yet still I can find no clues as to where this next great war will start....It's hopeless.

You are in the goldfish bowl looking out my friend.

WW3 will be the whole world vs America, Britain and a few allies the way things are going.

Why has Iran dumped the petrodollar?

Because the USA has become the whore of Babylon - she is as corrupt as the former USSR once was. She is morally bankrupt and spreading war and fear everywhere her tentacles spread in order to divert attention from the truth; the country is bankrupt and it cannot sustain it's economy any more.

The capitalist dream is dead - it became perverted into a grand ponzi scheme of corporate greed and obscene wealth where an entire nation feasts while the rest of the world starves and burns. But once you have burned the world down, closed all your factories, relying on slave labour abroad, raped all the oil producing nations for money and oil that is not even yours what is left?

"whore of babylon"? really that is the best you can do?
that sounds dated
hmmm where have i heard that before?

lol continue on with your USA hate tirade it is the trendy thing to do these days
Oh I am confused tho "once we have burned the world down"(big james bond fan?) who will there be left to fight us in ww3?

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

If I remember correctly, WW3 is supposed to start somewhere around the Turkey/ Syria area.

And this is according to what source? Curious...

Here is one very recently revealed prophesy (Full article linked in quote);

“When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat (Sabbath) clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”

This newly revealed prophesy indicates that should this war escalate to a full Russian invasion of Turkey, which is possible now that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are said to be planning ground incursions into Syria it could be a significant sign for humnaity.

Make what you will of it, but I find current events in Syria very interesting when one applies the esoteric lens to it.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody

Oh I am confused tho "once we have burned the world down"(big james bond fan?) who will there be left to fight us in ww3?

Look at Syria my friend - there is little left of that country other than rubble and ash now. But ISIS remains and keeps fighting. There will be plenty of people left to fight and the thing is that once you destroy their homes and businesses and kill their children like has been done in places like Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq just to name a few, people change.

Once you have lost everything to a foreign bomber you have nothing left to lose and hatred becomes solidified in to a lust for revenge.....
edit on 15-2-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: markosity1973

This newly revealed prophesy

Oh, ok then, say no more.

Is this on the Tauric Peninsula?
Is this in the Republic of Crimea?
I don't know that there is a city of Crimea.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: markosity1973

Thought this was a prophesy?
Turns out it is only another anti USA hate rant.
Kindly take your hate elsewhere please.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: markosity1973

This newly revealed prophesy

Oh, ok then, say no more.

Is this on the Tauric Peninsula?
Is this in the Republic of Crimea?
I don't know that there is a city of Crimea.

It's open for interpretation really - as is all prophesy. I'd read it as cities of Crimea. As with most prophesy revealed early (ie before completion) it is conditional on the rest of it being completed. In this case Russia invading Turkey.

Like I said before, make of all of this what you will. But it is one of a few prophesies floating around about Russia on the world stage at the moment. Another comes from Edgar Cayce who said

'From Russia will come the hope of the world"

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

If I remember correctly, WW3 is supposed to start somewhere around the Turkey/ Syria area.

And this is according to what source? Curious...

I don't recall where I got this information whether from the bible, Nostradamus, Cayce, etc...

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: markosity1973

Thought this was a prophesy?
Turns out it is only another anti USA hate rant.
Kindly take your hate elsewhere please.

Don't patriotic pride blind you my friend. the USA is not the only country that has blood on it's hands. Britain, Saudi Arabia then Australia, Canada, the EU and others are also players to one extent or another.

USA is only the ringleader

General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia (An American) revealed this a number of years ago;

“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran

This was all planned a long time ago. But it is not going how they thought it would.
edit on 15-2-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:01 PM

edit on 15-2-2016 by markosity1973 because: double post

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: stinkelbaum
iran 'wants'. maybe change the headline?
they have not dumped the dollar yet.
oil rich countries have wanted to dump the dollar for ages, the last that declared that was gaddafi's libya who, was removed via carpet bombing and, our then allies ISIL.
to dump the recovering dollar for the weak euro would be pointless at the moment also.

My mistake. I said Houssain but I meant Ghaddafi.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: lostbook

I don't like to think of this as Iran giving the US the big middle finger.

I like to think of this as Bubba rolling off poor Iran's back, and Iran requesting a different cell mate.

The US pretty much said you will not be like any other modern Nation. Iran said they felt they had a right to be like everyone else, the US then inserted themselves in Irans bottom and refused to leave until they had their way with them...

Which they did....

I don't blaim Iran for wanting to do everything possible to get away from the US.

I also liken the large some of US funds to hush money.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: lostbook

originally posted by: stinkelbaum
iran 'wants'. maybe change the headline?
they have not dumped the dollar yet.
oil rich countries have wanted to dump the dollar for ages, the last that declared that was gaddafi's libya who, was removed via carpet bombing and, our then allies ISIL.
to dump the recovering dollar for the weak euro would be pointless at the moment also.

My mistake. I said Houssain but I meant Ghaddafi.

Hussein actually did move away from the Petrodollar shortly before the US led invasion. After the war ended, Iraq was quietly moved back to the petrodollar.

Gadaffi was preparation stages only of ridding Libya of the petrodollar in favour of a new African Dinar before he was ousted.

There are many reasons why the USA is terrified of losing the petrodollar as the currency oil is traded in. The top one being to prop up a false economy where no work is done but money flows in anyway.;

So… What Would Happen If The Petrodollar System Ended Tomorrow

Allow me to briefly explain the impact that a sudden loss of the petrodollar system would have upon the United States of America.

-Foreign nations would begin sending a flood of U.S. dollars back to the United States in exchange for the new currency needed for oil.
-The Federal Reserve would lose their ability to print more dollars to solve America’s economic problems.
-The Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve Chairman would meet to determine the best course of action.
-That action would involve an immediate and dramatic increase in interest rates to reduce America’s money supply.
-Hyperinflation would ensue temporarily while the interest rates took time to take full effect.
-All oil-related prices, including gas prices, would reach outrageous levels.
-Washington would soon realize that the total amount of money in the system would have to be dramatically slashed even further, leading to an even higher increase in interest rates.
-The clueless American public would demand answers. Those on the left would blame the right. The right would blame the left. And both political parties would seek to blame the Federal Reserve.
-People with adjustable rate debts would be crushed and massive layoffs would occur as businesses suffered from the high interest rates.
-Asset prices across the board would plummet in value.
-Amid the financial carnage, an economic recovery eventually would begin to take place. But this new American economy would be tremendously smaller due to a drastically reduced money supply.

Most American are clueless as to how a country that manufactures and exports very little compared to it's living standard is able to live so well. Other nations i.e Great Britain, Japan, South Korea and to a certain extent China have all gotten rich off manufacturing and exporting to the world.

But for the USA, the petrodollar is the answer.
edit on 15-2-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: lostbook
Hello ATS. Not sure if this has already been posted. Mods, you know what to do if so. However, here's the deal:

In a bold political move, Iran has decided to trade in currencies independent of the petro-dollar. This is a move by Iran to curb US dominance of world trade currency(ies); namely, the Petrodollar. Now that markets are opening up to Iran after the historic deal which removed sanctions placed on it, Rouhani has been busy making deals with several countries and the Euro has been chosen as the currency of trade.

he Islamic Republic will make every effort possible to scuttle US national interests and foreign policy in the region, as well as to destroy US status as a global power.

First of all, Iranian leaders believe that one of the factors behind US global influence is the power of the petrodollar. The US dollar is the world's primary reserve currency representing approximately more than 60 percent of identified currency reserves. From Iran's point of view, reducing the use of the petrodollar will negatively affect US power.

Secondly, this is the right time for Iran to back away from the dollar. For one reason, Iran is not risking a war with the US as the White House just signed a nuclear deal with Iran and is not willing to jeopardize its crowning foreign policy "accomplishment". For another reason, at this moment, Russia, China, India and European countries are on Iran's side more than before, due to Iranian markets opening up.

Third, Iran is attempting to significantly reduce its dependency on the US dollar in case Washington or the International Atomic Energy Agency realizes that Iran is cheating on the nuclear agreement and that sanctions should be rolled back. That is why Rouhani was rushing to seal business deals across Europe and Asia by letting the other party use any currency rather than the dollar. For imports, Tehran will be also paying with other countries national currency; the Euro, the Chinese Yuan, the Indian rupee, or the Russian Ruble.

Finally, there are still several Iranian individuals and entities which are restricted by US financial sanctions so they can not use the American banking system. Backing away from the dollar will help these entities, or individuals, to conduct business with other nations using alternative banking systems and currencie

Sounds like Iran is giving a big middle finger to the US. I'm wondering what effect/affect this move will have on a world stage besides limiting US influence...? Will this have serious implications on the US economy? What's the long-term financial fallout gonna be...? Or is this just another step in the eventual demise of the US by financial means? Has Iran just put the final nail in the coffin for the US economy? What says ATS?

The Sanctions will go back on again and Iran will be lucky if it does not have an Arab Spring or it will get bombed back to the stone age like other recalcitrant countries have in recent times.

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