posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 01:59 AM
Hello Ats! A lot of you have seen me post on these forums about different things, mostly political, and I've heard from so many people. I've heard
so many ideas and felt like compiling and writing down the ones I like most, the ideas I would put into place.. So, without further delay, here's a
list of some of the main legislation I would introduce if I were in a position to do so.
1. Congress, Senate and judges given 3 year terms, can serve 2 terms.
2. Super pacs banned or contributions capped from any individual or entity.
3. Major overhaul of almost all 3 letter agencies, departments, etc. Including the fda, blm, irs, nsa, etc.
4. Get rid of the Patriot act and all similar legislation. Add amendments to the Constitution severely restricting the ability of anything similar
being passed in the future.
5. Downsize or abolish the irs, and strip nearly all power they've been given. Introduce flat, and or a fair taxation system, in which does not favor
any class of people. No loopholes, very few write offs. Get rid of or reduce some redundant and other encumbering taxes such as inheritance tax,
property tax, etc.
6. Get rid of the federal reserve, and find a way to make our currency have literal worth again. Gold-backed being a consideration.
7. No more corporate subsidies, no bail outs. The restructuring of our dollar would include reform in how banks work - private banks could be allowed,
but any bank with federal insurance or any other benefit would operate within strict standards, and never become too big.
8. Change the way the entire Healthcare and medicine system works. Encourage a more competitive market with access to all forms of healing. This can
include many forms of alternative medicine practiced in eastern countries.
9. As a part of number 8, encourage an environment where hospitals can compete for the best care for the best prices. Reduce lawsuits where possible,
solve most cases in small claims courts with maximum payouts for specific types of claims.
10. Expand the powers of the states to make their own decisions in different matters, give all land management and responsibility, as well as profits
from those lands to the states. Include clauses in which allow the federal government to step in and operate and fund particular areas, such as
national parks, but only at the request of the state.
11. Allow privatization of current government responsibilities where possible - such as police force, encouraging competition to be the best, yet
having hired citizens in which are held responsible by local governments, and courts.
12. Pass trade laws both encouraging international trade, not raising taxes too high in most cases, yet rewarding minimum quality of life standards of
the labor used to produce goods, such as reduced tariffs, or first preference.
13. Emulate and investigate practices in which kids learn the most, and enjoy learning the most. Early school and late homework has been proven
faulty. Let's change it.
14. Last for tonight, but certainly not the least - make war a decision more people make. While creating term limits and reducing financial
contributions may lessen unnecessary war, desired by the elite and rich... I believe a lot more representatives should be responsible for actually
declaring war.
Anyways! Just wanted to share my views - what do you think? Anything to add? Anything you'd like to refute? I'd like to hear whatever anyone has to
say. I hope everyone had a great weekend