posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Ycon
Now that Abbas has won the election peace talks will be back on the front burner.
Why? He openly refers to the yehudis as the Zionist Enemy. He tells terror groups that right now is not a good time to kill jews (but later?...)
What makes you think abu mazan will seek peace? What does he have to offer the Isrealis anyway? THey are already pulling out of the west bank, and he
has said he wants what arafat wants, a return to the pre-war borders, a palestinian capital in jersusalem, and the right of return of all palestinians
into israel. How is he going to achieve peace with that? Its already been established that there will be no right of return, and only barak offered
anything like a Capitol in Jerusalem.
Here is an interesting opinion peace on it from krauthammer
Remember, below, its a V for Victory, not the Peace Sign.