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Does anyone else have the strong feeling that the US will be nuked soon?

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posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
Someone will eventually set one off. I hate to even think about the thousands that will be killed. We need for our Port Authority to tighten up their inspections of the massive amounts of freight that passes through. We also need to get ahold on our borders especially the one we share with Mexico. But back to the main question... I look for one soon and I hate to admit it. Those who care of nothing that would kill thousands with the blink of an eye are already here and we must keep our eyes and ears open and to notify the authorities of anything suspicous. This is something every American can do and it would go a long way in the help of defending our great country.

::laughs:: oh man that was a laugh in a half...

not making fun of you

i just find your post...really funny.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:30 AM
Is it not improbable that the US government (or any government infact) will manipulate the people for there own ends if it is believed by the government for the greater good of the people..

"The end justifies the means"

It has been stated that staged political occurances have been in place in the past, for example... Pearl Harbour. This situation differs very little than the attack on the twin towers in 2001..

Pearl Harbour

Goverrnment requires confidence from the people to perform a task
(Take you pick of ulterior motives - eg. gain control of oil)

Government instigates a 'deceptive' action on their own people that requires their own governments reaction
(attack U.S. on their own soil and stage it to look like the cause was from that which opose U.S. governments prior agenda)

People now in fear of their lives and change to their routine way of life now require a reaction to protect them by their elected government
("war on terror" somehow resulting in the occupation of Iraq)

However, I am aware that I am stating what has been said numerous time on this site but the point I am trying to get at is, is it really hard to believe that a person in a position of power would use all means neccesary (whether it be manipulating the people who they lead or taking action by force) to protect their own interests? I mean people have murdered or committed suicide for less power, control or money - is it not possible that all events are staged to protect those meglomaniacs in control under the guise of protecting all they lead? What good is having power and control and wealth if the people this is used to influence have no confidence.. thats why many political occurances are staged.. to renew confidence in the people in control so that we are given this false sence of security.

By the same token, a controled nuclear attack by the the government is really not that improbable..

(or all of the above could be false)


posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:38 AM
Klepto you rule man

I certainly believe that it is possible. I'm not sure how likley it is to happen. I don't think there is a need for it to come down to that, yet... but it would not surprise me if it happened.


i'm to young to die

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
Someone will eventually set one off. I hate to even think about the thousands that will be killed. We need for our Port Authority to tighten up their inspections of the massive amounts of freight that passes through. We also need to get ahold on our borders especially the one we share with Mexico. But back to the main question... I look for one soon and I hate to admit it. Those who care of nothing that would kill thousands with the blink of an eye are already here and we must keep our eyes and ears open and to notify the authorities of anything suspicous. This is something every American can do and it would go a long way in the help of defending our great country.

I think you misunderstood me. I was implying that I believe it is our own government which would be the ones that nuke us.

Now, allow me to muse for a moment.

I think the part of my theory that makes this so hard to swallow, and of course this applies to all 9/11 esque conspiracies, is the fact that our own government, "our side", as some would put it, are the ones doing the killing.

I've thought about this for a while, and I think I've come to a sort of unfortunate conclusion that those who are in power are there because they were born, and have the disposition to obtain power. With that disposition towards power, also comes their detachement from common morality, and even reality itself. They do not view things like the average person does, no, they view things in the large scheme. Do I honestly think that 9/11 would have ever been orchestrated if any of the architects had even the slighest of moral apprehensions? Of course not. They have managed to in their minds, justify these acts, somehow. I'm sure those who commited it, believed that they were actually doing the world a favor in some way or another, to such an extent that it outweighed the horror and thus was acceptable.

What I'm saying is, is that these people aren't neccesarly evil in the contemporary sense of the word, but rather, due to their disposition towards power, are also given the trait of doing acts which most would consider to fall under the context of evil.

For example, most knives are made out of some sort of metal such as steel. Now of course, we know that this knife wasn't abitrarily chosen to be made out of steel, it was chosen to be made of steel due to the properties of steel suiting the needs of a knife like object. For a person to become an extremely powerful politician (knife), they need to be of the appropriate material before such a creation is ever to take place. Now, there are also different types of metals, just as there are different types of politicans, with varying degrees of moral detachment. The most superior knife will be forged from the most superior metal for a knife, but unfortunately, the most superior metal happens to not only be an incredible politican, but also, of the terrible breed that can commit and justify acts such as the Holocaust and 9/11.

And that is where we stand right now, the cruelest of individuals are in the highest bracks of power because they are the cruelest of individuals, and that is what must be understood for people to even begin to fathom that it was infact our own government who orchestrated 9/11.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 05:21 AM
Ok, kooky, if you say rthe election is being "viewed" as fraud, you are saying it is a fraud. Let's not try and split hairs on this, huh?

I have to admit, I am part of the conspiracy to derail the exit polls. I said I voted for Nader. Anyone here that has been here for any time knows I didn't. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Silly people asking silly questions brings out the devious side of me.

Now, as far as another attack - and I'm being totally serious at this juncture - nuclear or otherwise, it is just around the corner. Let's look at this for a moment.

The Patriot Act was a Clinton concept that had no viable way of being implemented when he was in office. He wasn't kidding when he said he wished the 2001 attacks had've ocurred on his watch. Regardless, they ocurred when they did, and the Patriot paperwork was right there, ready and waiting. Already across the nation, we are losing our rights and most don't even recognize it as it ocurrs, they've been so brainwashed the last several decades. What do you think will happen next when another huge strike happens? Why do you think the borders are allowed to be so porous, other than the fact that the corporations are provided with cheap and non-reported labor?

This evening, I was watching a Civil War documentary, and of course, Gen. McLellan was covered quite a bit. He was slow to move, politically ambitious and through his inability to get the job done, made darned sure the war dragged out much longer than necessary. I found it humorous that Ft. McLellan, AL, was a training post in the South. I then started thinking about how the government so incompetently poured millions into a post they knew they were going to close.

Poured millions into a post that they knew they were going to close? Yeah, they closed it as a regular army post, but it isn't gone, it still exists, and it is ready for operation, with plenty of buildings that would provide housing for interned citizens.

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