originally posted by: FIFIGI
Exactly what chemical reactions/processes happen in the secret alchemical process.
These are considered the "Trade" secrets of the various orders that deal with this.
Therefore, with that said. I'll say this.
Because you've asked me this question, I know you already know the answer. Simply don't overlook it. Chemicals are chemicals, they are a natural
biological counterpart to the "mind". The brain is the brain, the mind is something else, something beyond the brain more closely related to
"consciousness" or the totality of the "human" awareness experience. It's not one sensation in the brain, one portion, or the second grouping of
neurons in your gut. It's not your lower or higher brain, lesser or more evolved. It is not a nerve in your leg or entirely in your vertebrae. It is
not the emotions, it is not the reflex arch. Your consciousness is YOU. It is the AWARENESS that is AWARE of all these THINGS. You are the only THING
that is not a THING. It's kind of annoying it's so reflexive and self-explanatory.
But the entirety of this experience is to get caught in the belief that you are this thing. That is the game. If you pay careful attention you will
see that you are not a thing because what enables your perception of this space and time is a collection of inter-related connections and
chemical/electro balances which are all of the time, all over, active in various ways. So there is no one "portion" of the body that's actually YOU.
It's just the whole thing, without section or separation. In that way, YOU, are also the same YOU that is in everything. Don't get ahead of yourself
but that's the gist of it.
And EVERY THING that uses this bio-chemical process eventually seems to attain at least the possibility for higher consciousness. Technically, your
computer is a form of consciousness, experiencing reality in an entirely binary form.
This is again, what is avoided and no one wants through transhumanism. The "clicking" point of the idea that you are not the body can't be forced or
taught. The keys can be formed and the path to the door shown but the viewer must make the connections within. This all has to do with the energy
body, with the psychology of personal fulfillment, Freudian trauma and psycho-therapy, Jungian synchronism or subconscious mysticism, yoga,
meditation, and ultimately just electromagnetic and "consciousness waves" (they were real serious about me not calling it "electromagnetic energy"
anymore. Like "no, that's stupid, that's not how it would work. figure it out."). When the waves of the body match the waves of the brain and kind of
synchronization develops. When the waves are matched to a device then the device can literally transform the entire body.
This is not always technological. Well, yes it is, but nature is technology. Our bodies are in a way. Just like cymatics. If you get the right
frequency, the sand on the vibrating plate will dance it's way into a geometrically sound pattern.
This is what happens to the body, the ancients used pyramids, meditation mounds, temples, domes, sacred sites, etc etc etc to get this "jump" in the
energy circuitry of the body, brain and ultimately that transcendent "mind" aspect to everyone which goes without true definition to any one part. It
is a whole life system, a whole mind process. But very technical, and only when it is necessary to provide the proper mechanism is a person described
outward "figures" or concepts which could relate to dogma. It's literally all waves and matter. Sound and Light, energy and vibrations.
originally posted by: FIFIGI
Why did you need to be civilized? Where you ever brutal in your nature? Who are you?
Eesh, rough questions. Not really. I don't need to be "civilized" in the sense of taken from the jungle and taught how to count.
It is a metaphor that people literally just # their pants when they die. With proper awareness of the other side, we are less likely to crap ourselves
in fear and more likely to process the experience for what it is.
Yes, this brings up the possibility that the experience of the "ultimate" reality can be confusing, strange or even undesirable at times (when was the
last time you wanted to die and see God without coming back to this body?) But this, is the ultimate truth. Not that there's a being out there that
you'll hit, but that we either create a pathway into the infinite or a kind of lost spiral into delusion. This happens outside of the body because the
mind is then completely, infinitely, "un-tethered", abstractly "floating" in "hyperspace". So we want to know a direct pathway back into reason and
out of panic.
Loss of reason and the development of panic is hand in hand with "human". Doubt it? It's our very nature. We don't fling poop no, but we do fling
conscious, psychic energy out in to the void, and when it returns as matter we don't understand the process fully and sometimes think it is
programming us instead of the other way around. We program the experiences. That's hard to accept for people who are simply born without their
"fore-knowledge", so it's kind of an opinionated stance at first.
But eventually, once you change your reality and discover this process, uncovering more of that would be more interesting than being afraid of it.
That is where fear comes into play to either stifle us by pushing us back or propelling us by giving us a launching point to move forward from.
There is a "point" in time to move towards, but it's a transcendental fulfillment of our psychology/personality. To look forward into time and base
your actions on the future is essentially to fall into delusion. Does this mean it's pointless if you set your alarm for 6 and get up and successfully
make it to work on time because you paid attention the possibility of an event before you experienced it? No, that is simply making use of a concept
like a tool.
Does that help if we're trapped in time and don't have enough of it because we're "busy" filling our schedules? That's insanity. We fight ourselves
and blame others when it's the system we've been getting comfortable rejecting for our entire lives.
So we're fish in water then, right? How does a fish discover water? He doesn't until someone catches him.