posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 05:12 PM
Hello all on ATS,
This is my first thread on here and I was quite hesitant to post this here knowing how some atsers can be hard to deal with but... Oh well, there it
Timothy Good is one of the best UFO researchers out there (in my opinion) and I really like the way he explains cases without going into extreme
details but gives you enough so you can do your own research.
He is very knowledgeable in various UFO cases throughout the world and I suspect, he is highly respected by his peers.
That being said, leads me to a video (see below) I recently watched for the first time on You Tube:" Secrets of UFO existence" [ Age Of Truth TV] by
Lucas Alexander interviewing Timothy Good. I enjoyed the interview to the end and then noticed something odd when they shook hands for the finish.
They shook hands like some would call "an illuminati handshake" and the way they broke the handshake. I didn't know about this Lucas Alexander so I
googled him. Hmm, quite a number that fella. He's into gothic rock stuff and performed in some weird movies.
I'm probably seeing too much out of this but does anyone else see that as odd? I'm just asking and I'm sure someone will say that I see a
conspiracy here but I don't.
Just looking for opinions.
Here is the video, I hope this works: