Bout Time ....
mind out of the gutter indeed!!
I've actually had more than a few people suggest I teach a women's self defense course. Once the wrestling's done, I may, I dunno.
I don't have any true expertise in a single area, just dabbling = karate, kung fu, jiu-jitsu, CQC, police restraint, touch of kickboxing, and my old
standby of bar brawling.
None qualify me to teach any of 'em, but I can sure teach a person how to take a suplex!
Jonna .... yes. Plain & simple, yes.
TSA ... no, I don't watch WWE, believe it or not; not regularly, at least. Too much drama and not enough sport for my tastes. And define "realer"
... I land in the same type of ring as the guys on TV do, I take and give the same kind of moves as they do, and I get the same kind of injuries that
they do. The biggest differences are that the WWE is more a shock-value kind of show, where ours is the basic good vs. evil story with more wrestling
and less talking. And they do theirs in front of like 20,000 people, and I certainly don't.
I don't get paid much, not enough where I don't have to work a day job, but it's some extra pocket change.
And yes, it's worth getting the crap beat out of me, because I've made a difference in someone's life, if even for one evening. There's nothing
quite like an 8 year old tiptoeing up to me with a pen and asking in a whisper if I can sign their program, while their mom or dad watches them with a
big smile.