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Despite the tragic events...Four people are still Holding Out at The Oregon Refuge.....

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posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: bandersnatch

There are four flesh and blood people holding out there in Oregon......
Jeff Banta...a 47 yr old construction worker....
David Fry...a 27 yr old who is a friend of Fincum, and helped him self publish a novel....
Sean and Sandy Anderson....47 and 48 who own a store etc...
Maybe it would be better understood if we could get to know them.....
The Construction guy...the husband and wife team, the 27 yr old who helped Fincum publish...somehow caught up in this scenario.....
They are clinging to their principals et al and if appearances can be believed...they are the next targets of the FBI-Police presence in Burns....
You can get to know them better at the link....

Ah, the old "let's get to know them" so we can sympathize with their plight. They have made a trivial request for a "do over." Understanding the situation does not excuse the actions.

Occupiers: "If you promise not to prosecute us for trespass, impeding Federal officers, damage to Federal facilities, theft of Federal property, unauthorized use of Federal vehicles, abusing Native artifacts, and general stupidity, we'll leave. Otherwise you'll have to arrest us. If you don't send in food so we can continue to poke the tiger, it will show how harsh you really are. You can easily choose to just give us a wink and nod so we can claim victory and use our release without consequence to show how erratic the evil, unconstitutional justice system has become. Who would know if you just gave us a warning instead of a ticket?"

Feds: "We sympathize with the situation you have willingly got yourselves into and know that peer pressure from the other kids prevented you from leaving. We will drop all charges of general stupidity because at the level you have committed that infraction, you would be on death row in a New York minute.
Your fellow travelers are tough enough to stand up for their actions and are ready to stand trial. You are all adults who willingly took part and should be on trial with them to show your commitment to "the cause," whatever that is. We will recoup all costs for damages by seizing all of your assets and auctioning them off which will greatly simplify your lives, as real property is a burden for which you are not ready. As an added incentive, we have a medical program in Federal prison that will give each of you a spine transplant. As a bonus, we'll also provide testicular implants for all the men in your group."

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: bandersnatch

There are four flesh and blood people

You dont say....

for a minute there i thought they were robots, you know.... nuts n bolts!

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

Look, I don't know that I would personally take a stand, for the reason they are, but as far as being armed, and making a stand?

Pretty sure that is how we became the USA in the first place. Yet they haven't killed anyone, have they? There are idiots, in every group. And they should be outed, by the group.
But nowadays, we just say "hey, screw the idea someone is fighting for, and trying to reach a peaceful resolution, let's just label them terrorists and the whole group idiots and be done with them."

Government and media at it's finest.
Forget the fact that someone may have been murdered as well.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 06:30 PM
They aren`t protesters they are criminals. if that tiny group of 20-25 "protesters" hadn`t committed any crimes we would never even know that they were there.
When was the last time the MSM reported on a group of 20 unarmed protesters in a remote forest? never.

if they really are committed to their cause then they should gladly be committed to going to prison for the crimes they committed in the course of their "protest".

trying to compare this to the American revolution is absurdly silly. For one thing at least 1/3 of the population of the colonies supported the revolution,in Oregon there were only about 20 people in their revolution to free the remote forest land from the clutches of the government.The colonist involved in the revolution were willing to die for their cause.
The colonist knew what they were fighting for the "protesters" in Oregon have changed their demands so many times I`ve forgotten why they originally even went there.
If you are fighting for a cause you should at least know, and be consistent, in what that cause is.
They lost all credibility when they started changing their demands more often than I change my socks.At this point they are nothing but criminals.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 06:46 PM
Heavens sake everybody is some kind of criminal....
They haven't robbed or kilt anyone.....nor have they made any aggressive moves.....they are simply fellow citizens who have stood up for their rights and principals....
If I hear anybody call them ARMED one more time ill scream....
They are well within their and YOUR OWN constitutional right to go about armed!
Stop making such a big deal out of it as its just a mindless repeat of MSM spin doctoring....
Nor have they changed their demands like you so glibly state....
edit on 4-2-2016 by bandersnatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: bandersnatch

They don`t have to right to hold a federally owned building hostage and prevent the employees from going to work.
They don`t have the right to try to blackmail the government into giving up national refuges or national parks.
They don`t have the right to use government owned vehicles that they have commandeered and held hostage.
They don`t have the right to be searching through government files in the building that they have commandeered under arms.
in fact the only thing that they have done they have the right to do is to petition the government for regress of their grievances,everything else that they have done are criminal acts that nobody else condones or supports.

The fact is that they don`t know what they even want anymore.The reasons for why they are still there are completely different from the reasons why they commandeered the building in the first place.

To the best of my recollections the reasons they gave for commandeering the building is because they wanted the hammonds to be freed and not taken to prison to serve their sentence and they wanted the government to give away all federally owned land,to the states or to private citizens.
Now their demands are to be allowed to leave without being arrested and held responsible for the crimes they have committed.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: bandersnatch
Heavens sake everybody is some kind of criminal....
They haven't robbed or kilt anyone.....nor have they made any aggressive moves.....they are simply fellow citizens who have stood up for their rights and principals....
If I hear anybody call them ARMED one more time ill scream....
They are well within their and YOUR OWN constitutional right to go about armed!
Stop making such a big deal out of it as its just a mindless repeat of MSM spin doctoring....
Nor have they changed their demands like you so glibly state....

You seem to be an apologist for these clowns. They have robbed the Federal Government and US Citizens by damaging equipment, destroying fences, and using government vehicles. They have robbed the Paiute by desecrating their artifacts. They are ARMED [scream away] and pretending to be tough guys. They made aggressive moves by intimidating the rangers and prevented them from doing their jobs, robbing the Federal Government of labor costs. They are simply fellow citizens who have their own reasons for vandalism and theft and are now unwilling to accept the consequences of their actions much like bank robbers who have really good reasons for robbing banks.

Tell them to stop making such a big deal about being arrested and held for court.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 11:51 PM
Americans do have the right to bear arms.

Americans do not have the right to use those arms to forcibly intimidate other Americans to do their bidding or keep other Americans away from their jobs.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 10:16 AM
Well latest developments will cheer the angry mob....( and if things go the way I see it there will be more blood shed)

Somebody send for Ron Horiuchi

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 10:57 AM

A judge has cited the continuing standoff as a major obstacle to the release of at least some of those who remain in custody. An attorney for arrested protester Jason Patrick, named in the indictment, referred to the holdouts as "four idiots" at odds with his client's aims.

The drama continues.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: bandersnatch

These guys are the dumbest of the bunch. Refusing to leave until they get a guarantee that they won't be arrested. Lol. Protesting like this doesn't come without consequences. They need to man up and face the music.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: bandersnatch

Why do you want so desperately to give ATS Stockholm Syndrome?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: bandersnatch

These guys are the dumbest of the bunch. Refusing to leave until they get a guarantee that they won't be arrested. Lol. Protesting like this doesn't come without consequences. They need to man up and face the music.

A judge has cited the continuing standoff as a major obstacle to the release of at least some of those who remain in custody. An attorney for arrested protester Jason Patrick, named in the indictment, referred to the holdouts as "four idiots" at odds with his client's aims.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: bandersnatch

David Fry...a 27 yr old who is a friend of Fincum, and helped him self publish a novel....

They are clinging to their principals et al and if appearances can be believed...

Here are some of the "principles" David Fry is clinging to:

His social media accounts included posts that were anti-Semitic, homophobic, and pro-Nazi, as well as posts in support of ISIS. After media reports about his posts, many were deleted.

"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS FOR ISIS TO NUKE ISRAELHELL!" he wrote on his Google+ the site Nov. 30.

He also tagged posts #HitlerWasRight, and another #Pray4ISIS.

When asked to explain his feelings about Israel and the Islamic State, Mr. Fry spoke at length of government conspiracies, plots against multiple countries, Sept. 11, court records, computer viruses on Japanese computers, Fukushima and a Jewish conspiracy against the free world that involves causing nuclear meltdowns, OPB reported.

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