posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 03:27 PM
Well, that was fast; last week it was only over seas, now it is in Texas and apparently now a 'sexually transmitted' (insert pandemic, disease,
infectious disease, or STD HERE) -
So, the article goes on to say
The patient, the county says, "was infected with the virus after having sexual contact with an ill individual
who returned from a country where Zika virus is present."
I remember a few years back when there was the 'SARS" panic a few years ago and everyone was wearing surgical masks on the plane... With summer
rapidly approaching, and as crisp as it will be this summer and with all of the rain/percip.... winder how much more we will see of this 'Zika"
[ Previously, there have been only two documented cases linking Zika to sex. During the 2013 Zika outbreak in French Polynesia, semen and urine
samples from a 44-year-old Tahitian man tested positive for Zika even when blood samples did not. Five years before that, in 2008, a Colorado
microbiologist named Brian Foy contracted Zika after travel to Senegal; his wife came down with the disease a few days later even though she had not
left northern Colorado and was not exposed to any mosquitoes carrying the virus.