posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:52 PM
good point.
BUT, you do know that there are Christians on this planet that spend the majority of their time praying for humanity?
Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf, one of the greatest legal minds that ever lived:
"Lastly, the great character they have portrayed is perfect. It is the character of a sinless Being; of one supremely wise and supremely good. It
exhibits no error, no sinister intention, no imprudence, no ignorance, no evil passion, no impatience; in a word, no fault; but all is perfect
uprightness, innocence, wisdom, goodness and truth. The mind of man has never conceived the idea of such a character, even for his gods; nor has
history or poetry shadowed it forth. The doctrines and precepts of Jesus are in strict accordance with the attributes of God, agreeably to the most
exalted idea which we can form of them, either from reason or from revelation. They are strikingly adapted to the capacity of mankind, and yet are
delivered with a simplicity and majesty wholly divine. He spake as never man spake. He spake with authority; yet addressed himself to the reason and
the understanding of men; and he spake with wisdom, which men could neither gainsay nor resist. In his private life, he exhibits a character not
merely of strict justice, but of flowing benignity. He is temperate, without austerity; his meekness and humility are signal; his patience is
invincible; truth and sincerity illustrate his whole conduct; every one of his virtues is regulated by consummate prudence; and he both wins the love
of his friends, and extorts the wonder and admiration of his enemies. He is represented in every variety of situation in life, from the height of
worldly grandeur, amid the acclamations of an admiring multitude, to the deepest abyss of human degradation and woe, apparently deserted of God and
man. Yet everywhere he is the same; displaying a character of unearthly perfection, symmetrical in all its proportions, and encircled with splendor
more than human. Either the men of Galilee were men of superlative wisdom, and extensive knowledge and experience, and of deeper skill in the arts of
deception, than any and all others, before or after them, or they have truly stated the astonishing things which they saw and heard."