posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:43 AM
First, the line about skeletons in the closet is classic. Right now I'm picturing a housefull of 'forbidden' hominoids around this guy.
But, to get back to what I was trying to say before (but botched)... I wasn't saying that all of science is undermined if these beings existed, what
I was trying to say is that kneejerk dismissals of seemingly 'mythical' figures/creatures/beings by the scientific community look somewhat foolish
now that we have (possibly) an example of a local myth proven out. Notions of visiting aliens, for example, are blown off by the scientific community
WITHOUT looking at any of the evidence because such aliens don't fit into the accepted scientific worldview. Those same aliens, though, are a part
of modern/techno-western culture. Now... if an Indonesian myth regarding strange beings has just been proven to be correct, western myths regarding
ET visitation cannot be dismissed and blown off by the scinetific community without looking at the evidence any longer. In short, once one
'unscientific' or unbelievable legend has been demonstrated as being based on reality, the scinetific community can no longer use scientific
expectations to dismiss similar mythical stories.