It's a psy-op, the Mandela Effect, is planned and carried out to convince you, me, others: we don't know what we saw!
Also it's about affective reactions. In a state of uncertainty your feelings are intensified. Emotional leads to irrational and bamm, you vote for
edit on 21-8-2016 by Peeple because: Add
To end the voice of the people, could be the goal, after brexit and how all of that got debated, they want nothing less than to kill democracy!
I agree about your thoughts on Mandela effect exactly.. I traced a specific ME instance back to a guy who claimed to be a time traveling former NSA
guy. I don't believe him on either count, but maybe he was part of the agenda. In any case his fake ME was quite convincing, until I dug and dug.. I
won't mention what it was becaue I see no one believing it... and I don't want to bring "THAT" attention back on me...
It's why I argue so hard that people DO know reality. Have confidence and pay more attention.
It really does feel like a mass deception is in it's baby steps.. I'm trying to mark it before it morphs and evolves beyond my comprehension.
Feelings being intensified is another great point. I feel it's part of my mission I'm choosing now to be a mediator, and someone who talks sense even
when I am saying crazy things, they are calm crazy. I left paranoia in the past for the most part. Even when I'm wrong I want to be calmly or jokingly
I think social media is the biggest move for the peoples voice and against it at the same time.. Tide will turn stroingly against an open voice as
long as they can continue to divide people into Social Justice Warrior/Christian/Racist/Progressive/militant feminist..
Part of me wonders if maybe good could come out of these molding humanity plans.. And it's possible as long as democracies with real democratic
processes become better utilized by more people and strong controls on "cheating come into play."
I was thinking for instance we should all have access to a live vote count, AND we should be able to look up our own vote online to make sure it was
correct. Another idea that comes to mind is to count every person who leaves the voting place. If the total votes are above the people counted an
automatic investigation comes into play with random people with the right expertise are drawn from a pool of qualified people making bribes harder to
And I think the worst vote is no vote, and the worst thing to say is nothing.
Just some thoughts.
What do you think?
**the girl in this video who has her mouth covered so she can't speak is "the voice of the people." Powerful song. VERY relevant to our conversation.
Keep talking people.
edit on 21-8-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)
Paranoia, I know him pretty well. Quite the douche. Fact is thinking is not illegal, talking about seemingly crazy things is not as dangerous as it
was a hundred years ago.
If it were every physicist would have a booked bed in the looney house. Spooky action at a distance, my ass. Science is mad. I believe it is on
purpose. Einstein was part of this as it all began. He saw the will of the people turning a country he knew and maybe even liked into a slaughterhouse
for industrialised human killing, made soap out of them.
"You're too stupid to govern yourself!"
God is dead, science is mad
Nothing is real, it's sick to feel.
edit on 21-8-2016 by Peeple because: Too many turns
I had planned on doing more posting but friend freaked out after dinner. Oh the drama! No big deal he just expected me to go do what he wanted not
what I was going to do anyway (I said, "Just beer and pizza" but ohhhh noooo! So I guess I am now the a-hole, etc...)
Anyway, was just a gentile "elbow in the ribs"! I like your poetry but did not know they were supposed to be consumed together.
So, does 'del'-'eat' the cookie count?! And do not mind me walking in circles until I can pick up the trail again! (Yech! Hive mind... how awful it
was only done one way! But we do need cooperation so it is not all bad).
Reality has been really real lately. Nothing unreal. Pretty boring.
My dreams are getting pretty out there again so I'm leaning back to meditation and lucid dreaming.
I keep having dream characters almost break my dreams by accident.
Like this one girl started flying with me. It's very rare anyone can fly in my dreams besides "me."
She is floating up in the clouds with me, and she's all like "come back down, don't you think it's lonely up here." Sort of telling me.. "Go back
into your dream."
That almost made me lucid, but the rest of my dream was cops surrounding me shooting indiscriminately into this log cabin. So I was focused on that
"reality" enough that the weird vibe of "participating in my dream or not." Didn't push me over the edge.. Grr..
Besides the clouds were getting so cold and wet that I sort of shivered awake haha.
I'm hoping I can get that back into action. Back in the day I've had some weird experiences "breaking my dreams" to the point it's just me and me
staring at each other. Or I end up in some pit with just the devil or I end up somewhere with all these souls on this beach with forever sun... I've
been trying to get back to that beach. It's just uncomfortable to get to it. You have to be contorted until size loses meaning and then you turn and
squeeze through the other side..
I can get there from any dream it seems, just as long as I am lucid and then squeeze through a toilet or through a cave or a pipe or something..
Sometimes I don't get to that beach and that uncomfortable squeezing/twisting is wasted on just ending up non lucid in another dream. It's hard to
maintain consciousness through these warps..
So yea other than that life is too real sometimes, haha.
My reality has cooleď down too. So trying to push a new quanta... hehehe.
Why does the rise and peaks happen?
I don't know but some people have my same "major peaks." My minor peaks seem to be "when the moment is
right for reverbs to hear the new stuff." Reverbs is never quite ready honestly. I guess if he was there wouldn't be any point to it hmm?
But I have noticed people point to the area of 2007/2008 as being weird energetically. (whatever that means), but those are the same years for me
when things truly got way out of hand. 2007 was I thought the weirdest life could get. That was some escape the matrix level weirdness.. 2014 though?
That was lets take the matrix experience from 2007 that changed reverbs' life forever and lets make that meaningless... LOL
Now I'm just like wtf?
waiting on that next wave. I've gotten quite good on my soul board. Well I fell off that last wave but I swear if I rode that all the way in I would
have ended the world or something. (that's what it felt like).. I'm still itching for that next Tidal Wave though. Hoping I'm ready..
Thanks, I really needed it too! I was feeling down on the world yesterday. Today the weather matches my mood: gray. So feeling better just because. It
is truly the end of summer here in the AK (eta: the state fair started, so truly the end--at least we get Pat Benatar!). Trees are starting to turn.
Never a good time. Add a bad day at werk... well, you know the rest!
It is truly the end of summer here in the AK (eta: the state fair started, so truly the end--at least we get Pat Benatar!). Trees are
starting to turn. Never a good time.
I make my self laugh way too hard..
Have a good one brother.
edit on 26-8-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)
Glad to see you guys are doing well.
For some strange reason ATS doesn't work anymore. Well now it does but lately I get time out if I try to post.
See if this one works....
A aaaaaaaah aliens...
For any lucid dreamers, building persistent worlds can be a rewarding adventure. At a certain point, it is almost necessary to create an address
system of sorts, but its not too bad.
I really wonder at the "weirdness in waves" phenomena... our mental states are involved (in everything I'd guess) and so is geographic location, but
it is odd that when certain folks' attention is pointed, the weirdness starts to pop.
Eff if I know what the aich is going on, but it IS going on.
Glad your sanity quotient is near norm, tho... "boring" as that can be, it is relaxing.