posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to:
Vaccinating against feelings is what you are suggesting.
And no. That is not and never has been an acceptable response. Learning to deal with ones emotions as part of ones being, to accept fury without
giving into it, to accept sorrow without being broken by it, to accept pain without being debilitated by it, these are how one grows and becomes the
best that one can be. Only by so doing, can one prepare for the possibility of joy, the potential for happiness, should the chance arise.
In many ways, I eschew medicines unless I am in dire straights. Things have to be going pretty badly for me on the microbial level, before I even
consider taking an anti-biotic, or even visiting the doctor. This is not because I fear my doctor, or the chemicals he will feed me if my body is
unwell, but because I believe that what one can survive without medical intervention, will make one stronger and less likely to become ill the same
way again. My body is incredibly resilient to attack on the microbial level because my antibodies are battle hardened, sociopathic bastards. If they
meet anything with which they are unfamiliar, its neck knives and tactical tomahawks all the way, and the enemy is sent packing. Only in circumstances
where the little nutcases are overrun, do I consider other options.
My mind is stronger than my body though. I cut through problems, shatter them, move them aside, or crush them beneath the treads of the rolling
behemoth that is my will. I do not need to be vaccinated against the contents of my mind, because I own those contents. They are mine, and they are
all tools in my belt, arrows in my quiver. Every trauma I have survived, every sorrow inflicted upon me has been turned to my advantage, reforged into
something I can use. My mind is open, my heart as well, but protected by the lessons I have learned by surviving thus far. I would no more vaccinate
against its contents, than wear armour made of candy floss, or wield a sword made of cardboard.