posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to:
Well actually yes i already knew about the richplanet interwiev, it did not really bring up anything new, but if the tread had been about that
interwiev i would not have commented in such way, because its relatively new and i have not seen any postings about it here, not that i need it
because like i said nothing new was revealed in it, ill wait for the book to come out.
And im glad that you know about the pyramids, but maybe the info could be used by somebody that are new to the site. people are born and join everyday
i guess for some of those everything is new and sensationel and by that measure we could have the news list filled with old stuff that are news to
them, how fun would it be to read on this site if that was the case?
The mods here recently closed down any new treads about 9/11 because aparently nothing new can be added to the story
so people have to comment on treads already made on the subject.
Use search or use google with the ats extention to find out if your newly discovered sensation story was posted before, its not that hard, like you im
not interrested in discovering the pyramids anew everyday of the week here on ats, unless there has been made a NEW discovery.