posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 03:41 AM
Well, to be fair...some humans are evil. Pure evil...I don't think any of us here can claim to know what pure evil was. In contemporary times, the
closest human I believe that was pure evil was Adolf Hitler.
As to some humans being evil, that isn't exclusive to the "elite", just because you're "common folk" does not mean you are exempt from being evil. It
doesn't make you holier than thou due to the scale of which you lack compassion or kindness. If you ever need an example of this, I'd turn you to
examine daily routines at an animal shelter for just a week or two. You would see and hear of things that would truly make your gut wretch. You
could observe similar things in orphanages, or senior living homes. Abuse and hate are very real. Only the naive would think otherwise.
Other people just lack the understanding of proper etiquette or common sense. That may not necessarily be their fault though. A lot of that has to
do with conditioning and upbringing.
All that being said, just because this kind of thing will most likely be present as long as you and I walk this Earth, it doesn't mean that you can't
work towards expelling evil from the world. Think of it as working towards keeping evil at a manageable and negligible level.