posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 03:49 PM
What do we have now?
It was said that it were 1000 algerians, marrocs and middle eastern looking peoplepeople, but police now says it has been several thousands of them.
But checking all the pics and videos, i cant even see the 1000 of them, its more several hundreds, 300-500 maybe.
They started to gather at around 7 at night, at 7.30 they started to shot firworks at citizens, taxi drivers, party people.
Police reaction? Eyewitness stated that they did nothing but pushing around the victims and yelling at them. Allegedly later they arrested 4 people
and had to let them run again, "because they had not the right cars to transport them..."
The next day after NYE police stated that they became aware of all this not until the next morning, when women reported this on police stations. While
news reported before that even a female cop in civilian clothes was touched. Why those lies from the beginning? And the cops around the Main station
and the cathedral have had to be blind to not mention anything of this. Believe me, i live in Cologne. Wearung a hoodie and sneakers a normal day you
couldn´t even fart without getting checked by them. And people reported those attacks instantly to the cops at the scene, but later they lied about
all that. Why? Now legend says it has been several thousands of them? Come on, check the evidence(Pics+Videos), talk to people that have been there,
it was never several thousands of them, several hundreds yes, but not several thousands! And why did the police wait till today to come up with that
Why is police now telling a different story as on the first day? Lets look from another perspective at this events. From the perspective of the
citizen that is threatened by terror 24/7, everywhere, behind every Bush(lol) must be hiding several terrorist with AKs and bombs, believing the
officials. So WE citizens have to be afraid, fear is spread by mass media day by day. We have to live in a climate of anxiety, we have to be ok
thankfull to the spies for more and more spying on all of us, because that happens all only for our security, security against that evil terrorist
that allegedly hide behind every bush, ready to kill all of us, at every time. Yawn...
So there is one question now, why are our "security" agencies and forces not prepared to handle or prevent potentially terror attacks? Why can "1000"
or now "several thousand" people, obviously coming from terror areas like the middle east and north africa, gather in front of the eyes of the city
police and the federal police(responsible for security in and around main stations) and shoot firworks at people, for hours??? Maybe because there is
no thing like a real terror threat??? Maybe it´s all just "1984 "???
Because, after the public and media was aware of the events that night, the first security junkies, the usual suspects like the minister of the
interior, police chiefs. those well known security popes, those who want more power and money, more surveillance of all citizens in the alleged "war
against the terror", they screamed for more video surveillance instantly, knowing that it never prevented any crimes or terror attacks, only the
criminal hotspots relocated. I mean, ask Scotland Yard...
And never before someone in germany talked about "refugees" especially from marroco and algeria, but short after the events with algerian and
morrocan(and now, after 7 days later, syrian, too...) pickpockets and sexual criminals, "our" interior minister was suddenly worried about the influx
of even exactly those people, live on TV. Brings one, knowing how the "rulers" work in germany, to another idea.
What if something had to happen with especially algerians and marocs, before officials could name those peoples as problems(dont forget the political
"correctness"). I mean, let it have been 1000 people of them, 1000 people somehow have to organize, someone must be the organizers of that gathering,
something like this doesn´t happen by coincidence. What if those organizers worked for an german intelligence service, as agents provocateur. It´s
obvios that "we", germany, the politicians, first invited the whole world, but now we wanna get rid off those guests "we" invited, by hook or by
crook. Better to make them all criminals than to lose the face...
It wouldn´t be the first and not the last time that officials play foul to lose not their ugly faces!!!
Maybe that is the reason why there seems to be no terror threat for officials, but for citizens, obviously.
Maybe that is the reason why police was blind, deaf and incompetent that night.
Maybe all that was ordered from above, from those naturally rightwinged Falcons, NeoCons, BigBrothers and Police State Junkies, to fullfilf their wet
dreams of a 1984 inspired world.
Some will say that all is tinfoilhat crap, but observing the reality, the history, some will come to another conclusion.