From various sources
Apparently the September 27-28, 1963 sojourn of a Lee Oswald at the Cuba and Russian
Embassy in Mexico City where he went slightly crazy trying to get Visas into Russia and
Associated himself with the KGB assassination and terror chief was all taped by the CIA
in order to 1) frame Lee Harvey Oswald, Russia and Cuba as the assassins of Kennedy,
and or 2) Make it look like Oswald was a lone nut assassin.
In other words whatever worked, or whatever the CIA could get away with.
The tapes were doctored by the CIA to frame the three: Oswald, the Cubans and
Russians as the plotters of the assassination of Kennedy...
J Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, though, also had a copy of these tapes and knew that the person who
was claiming to be Oswald on those tapes in Mexico City on Sept 27, 28 wasn’t the
Oswald that was in custody in Dallas for killing Kennedy and eventually murdered by
Jack Ruby.
J Edgar therefore knew that the CIA had doctored the tapes and were trying to frame Oswald, the Russians, and the
Cubans for killing the president.
When the new President, Lyndon Johnson consulted with the CIA chief, John McCone( who had taken over from ex-CIA director Allen Dulles who Kennedy
had recently fired) McCone proceeded to basically lie to Johnson and claim they had tapes that the Russians, Cubans and Oswald had conspired in
Mexico City to kill Kennedy.
Naturally, This really upset Johnson
Lo and beheld, J. Edgar Hoover told Johnson straight forwardly that those tapes
were doctored by someone and that the Lee Oswald in Mexico City was not the one
accused of killing Kennedy and the one Murdered by Jack Ruby
He let Johnson figure out for himself what was going on. Of course at that point a child
could have deduced that the CIA was trying to persuade Johnson that the Russians,
Cubans, and Oswald were the guilty party's in the assassination of Kennedy and were likely
in the middle of the murder themselves.
edit on 6-1-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)
edit on 6-1-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)