posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 09:28 AM
Actually, 15X the speed of light is easily possible. If you assume our galaxy is roughly circular, and that the aliens would control a circular region
of space 20% the area of the milkyway (which makes sense because a circular region allows for a central hub from which all distant points of
colonization are equally apart, and also has a tactical edge), you get an area of 35 million square light years being the area of the galaxy, compared
to 7 million square light years being the area of the controlled portion. Then the diameter of this region would be 3000 light years across. Anyone in
the center would only have to travel for 100 years to get to he outer limits, and one would have to travel 200 years to traverse the colonized land.
This doesn't mean that every alien would travel this distance, even the 100 light years possible in a cryogenic state assuming this is
possible. I mean, take us for many people on Earth travel halfway around the world? Most people stay relatively close to where they live
and at the most travel the comparable distance of 30 or so light years. It would not make sense to have your supplies streched out over your entire
area of colonization. Anything the aliens need would more than likely be available to them on their own planet, and supply ships that traverse great
distances don't need alien pilots.
(edit) Just a side note...I was reading about sending DNA/RNA to colonize different planets awhile ago. Sounds like a very good idea. Discover or some
other magazine had an article about what an advanced race would do to escape the big bang into a parallel universe. One was to create a tiny hole
(which would require enourmous amounts of energy) in the membrane of its universe and send nanobots into a parallel one which would have the building
blocks of life as well as recorded alien personalities inside. The nanobots would find a habitable place and recreate the entire civilization on the
other side. Makes sense to colonize the galaxy this way as well.
[edit on 7-1-2005 by zhangmaster]