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One Of The Many Face of Racism in America

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posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 11:49 AM
Kangaruex4Ewe called it early, and Roadgravel did a pretty good follow up and he is gone, probably busy updating his resume.
And SlapMonkey like I said earlier I usually don't post threads of random internet racist and their rants, be they black white or other because for me that's low hanging fruit and they are a dime a dozen, but this vid definitely got my attention, since then I have to try and explain to non Americans and Japanese friends who read my Fb why this guy behave this way and that it's not the dominant attitude for Americans..and yes they referenced Donald Trump thanks to Youtube, I feel bad in a way like this is airing our dirty laundry in public..sigh when you live out side the states it can seem that you have to answer for every crap that pops up.
edit on 30-12-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Really? Doesn't this strike you as a put-on deal? Where was this recorded? Who are the "actors"? I don't buy it.

Could be for all we know.
Funny how some accents give away people's location.
Western PA is completely different from Philly "you's guys"

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 06:19 PM
Well I initially thought this was an act. But according to the post by roadgravel this would appear to have been a genuine encounter.

I admire how many people in this thread would have been able to control themselves and not respond to this bully using violence. I would not have been able to do so.

But I would have been nice to him in the end. I would not have any problem helping him to locate all of his broken teeth, missing hair, and eyeballs once I finished introducing him to the topic of Manners 101.


posted on Jan, 1 2016 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: namelesss

Ok thanks will fix the sentence, Hardwired racist, naaw at least Im not and it's not a denial thing either, I grew up with all kinds of friends and it carried over into my Navy yrs and after, not saying I had no experience with racism but the min I started to go down that road because of a bad experience, my friends would popped up in my consciousness.

Throughout my life, little bits of conversation that I've heard, thoughts pop up that I, now that I am aware of self, and need not deny anything, I can identify them as, even though inadvertent, as racist remarks.
Even the subtle ones.
It goes bone deep and is insidious in it's camouflage!
Seems to take constant vigilance, if in recovery! you just never know when some little gremlin, no matter how small, will pop it's ugly head!
Maybe it's just me, but... I don't think so.
The evidence is vastly in support.
Perhaps you have a very small infection, but I cannot imagine not being infected!
It's anachronistic, but still present.
It's Love that prompts recovery. *__-

posted on Jan, 1 2016 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: namelesss

Ok thanks will fix the sentence, Hardwired racist, naaw at least Im not and it's not a denial thing either, I grew up with all kinds of friends and it carried over into my Navy yrs and after, not saying I had no experience with racism but the min I started to go down that road because of a bad experience, my friends would popped up in my consciousness.

Throughout my life, little bits of conversation that I've heard, thoughts pop up that I, now that I am aware of self, and need not deny anything, I can identify them as, even though inadvertent, as racist remarks.
Even the subtle ones.
It goes bone deep and is insidious in it's camouflage!
Seems to take constant vigilance, if in recovery! you just never know when some little gremlin, no matter how small, will pop it's ugly head!
Maybe it's just me, but... I don't think so.
The evidence is vastly in support.
Perhaps you have a very small infection, but I cannot imagine not being infected!
It's anachronistic, but still present.
It's Love that prompts recovery. *__-

Well we ragged on each other over looks hair type,accents and such, maybe that can be seen as a lil racist but definitely not P.C but our friendship is real so maybe we are in fact in recovery as you put it..
A typical joke by one of my daughters Godfathers, life long friend and Navy me he said..Spider make a black power fist and yell BlackPower!!..I was like ???.. just go ahead and make Ok..I made the fist yelled Black Power!.then this asshole covered my fist with his white hand and yells White control!! there was not a dry eye in the birthing space..which erupted in large scale pillow fights..

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
Well we ragged on each other over looks hair type,accents and such, maybe that can be seen as a lil racist but definitely not P.C but our friendship is real so maybe we are in fact in recovery as you put it..
A typical joke by one of my daughters Godfathers, life long friend and Navy me he said..Spider make a black power fist and yell BlackPower!!..I was like ???.. just go ahead and make Ok..I made the fist yelled Black Power!.then this asshole covered my fist with his white hand and yells White control!! there was not a dry eye in the birthing space..which erupted in large scale pillow fights..

I have worked on this, perplexed, for an entire minute, and have no clue.
The fists thing was a joke, and 'no dry eye' was because everyone was laughing so hard?
Is that it?

(Perhaps my recovery is beginning to work? *__- )

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: Spider879
Well we ragged on each other over looks hair type,accents and such, maybe that can be seen as a lil racist but definitely not P.C but our friendship is real so maybe we are in fact in recovery as you put it..
A typical joke by one of my daughters Godfathers, life long friend and Navy me he said..Spider make a black power fist and yell BlackPower!!..I was like ???.. just go ahead and make Ok..I made the fist yelled Black Power!.then this asshole covered my fist with his white hand and yells White control!! there was not a dry eye in the birthing space..which erupted in large scale pillow fights..

I have worked on this, perplexed, for an entire minute, and have no clue.
The fists thing was a joke, and 'no dry eye' was because everyone was laughing so hard?
Is that it?

(Perhaps my recovery is beginning to work? *__- )

Yup that's it sorry I missed your reply..

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 02:31 AM
My first thought was it was some kind of sketch. One of those uncomfortable, comic ones. Bloody hell.

Free speech is all very well, but that bloke was lucky he was talking to people with a lot of self control...or just people who aren't the type to get physical...Probably the latter. I doubt very much he'd use that kind of language amongst people capable of violence.

Wherever you go in the world, there's a moron.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
... Wherever you go in the world, there's a moron.

Thank you for the laugh!

"No matter where you go, Here you are!"

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are!" *__-

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: Spider879

The camera person is just being professional and filming the protest. It would be a bad idea to get involved in the incident. The racist just adds to the realism of the broadcast.Self-awareness lol.

Camera man: Look a dumb racist guy. Let's get a shot of that.

Producer:Yes. Conflict! Most of our audience thinks rural poor white people are dumb racists.

Audience:Man that guy was a dumb racist.

Most white people hate racists like this and get pretty annoyed being associated with people like this.

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Spider879

I don't know...a couple of things come to mind with videos like this.

- The focus should not be on the actions of the one racist individual, but the fact that the majority of the other Americans abhor and denounce his racism. If you want to seemingly dismiss the denouncement just because he was part of the group and that leaving him out to dry would be unthinkable, that's up to you, but I like to think that the attitudes you see against this one racist represents more accurately the "many faces" of America.

- I can't help but think that it is possible that this is staged by the protestors, or that the interaction was enflamed by something that they were saying or doing to the guy prior to the beginning of the video. What we have here is a snippet of an interaction between one guy and a group of people. It is very rare for a single individual to be so outlandishly racist in the middle of a group of people with opposing viewpoints--it lends itself to either feeling staged or instigated by the group, and that this guy is either an actor or someone who was just pushed too far. For all we know, the guy behind the camera isn't even a black guy.

I mean, seriously, he hits every talking point and cliché that we are told racist Americans think--protestors are lazy hippies, black people are chimps/monkeys, he's only seen maybe ten black people ever and that he thinks that they all look alike, etc. Either this guy is so ignorant and stupid that he believes and lives all of these stupidities, or this is a terrible attempt at trying to combine these stereotypes into a real person and show that all white guys with camo hats and Walmart clothes live in all-white areas and conform to terrible racist beliefs. To be honest, all that they left out was him pulling out a pistol and unsafely firing it into the air and yelling "'Merica!" to make the stereotype complete.

Look, I'm not saying that "Tom Jefferson," the apparent photographer and poster of this video, isn't who he says he is and that this incident isn't factual in every way, but what I am saying is that there are enough red flags in this video to at least consider that these random people on this random video posted by this random guy might not be what it appears to be. It wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last.

But if it is factual, this guy needs some sort of help, for sure.

Uh Oh.

He might be a political smear operative. This is election season you never know.

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