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#BlackLivesMatter Sets Up "Decoy" Protest in Attempt to Shut Down Airport

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posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: cuckooold

Both houses are white.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Where is the evidence showing that any of the stops were not valid??

Heh. You want evidence of a negative.
I would expect no less of you.

Got any evidence that unicorns don't exist?

Well, based on your reputation, I would have expected better from you, but we all have to deal with disappointment. Unless you can prove the stops weren't valid, you can't prove racism. Valid traffic stops, for real offenses, aren't based on skin color.

You stated that racism was there, and the burden of proof lies in your court, not mine. So far, you haven't offered any. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

But we are all waiting.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Nice little assumption there, and we know what that makes one....

Just going on what you wrote.

Not really, and we both know that.

Based on the car motion, he was under the front end a bit. Lucky for him, he was smart enough to move. That car, damage wasn't a worry. Any idiot that is a threat, in that sort of circumstance, and gets run over as a result, can only blame themselves.

posted on Jan, 1 2016 @ 05:05 PM
What a bunch of a-holes. In my opinion these protesters are just pawns in a game of "conquer-and-divide", and it's a distraction from the more pervasive classism in the US.

Yes, Black and White cops assault and murder innocent Americans of all races all the effing time. Recently here in Hawaii, this a-hole cop assaulted and arrested a lesbian tourist couple in a supermarket for public displays of affection. They had a really hard time. The went to jail, and had to stay here for awhile to make money to get back home and #e.
Of course, he got a slap on the wrists yadda yadda yadda. Where were the community that is so concerned about injustice?
Oh, I forgot to say these women are White, and the assault was not captured on videotape. z
I am angry that a local man, Kollin Elderts, was murdered by a drunken federal agent in a Waikiki McDonald's. He was Hawaiian and White.

I went to a protest that was organized by the local Communist cell (a bunch of old ladies that like to wear red a lot and believe we should overthrow the government by force. I don't really care for their ideals.) after Eric Garner was killed. I said, "what the hell, they are protesting police killing people, I agree with that.

They had made protest signs with pictures of Eric Garner, Kollin Elderts, and others.

I am mixed race (1/2 Caucasian, 1/8 Latin, and the rest Asian and Black), and many people perceive me as a "White guy." Anyway, I told a story on the megaphone about how I was assaulted and almost killed by security guards, and the injustice that I experienced thereafter. The reactions I got from the protesters was funny.

The Commie ladies were annoyed, and tried to cut me off, but I just held on to the mic until I was done speaking. The few Black people that were there were nodding, and saying, "Yeah, man. Say it!" encouraging me to speak, so the Commie ladies (who are all Whites and Asians) didn't directly force me to stop speaking.

The Commie ladies said they wanted to do a "die-in" inside the big mall, Ala Moana Shopping Center, but they couldn't get the majority to do it with them, so they didn't do it themselves. Instead, we marched around the mall waving signs and shouting slogans.

There were cops "escorting" us the whole time. The crazy thing is, they actually stopped traffic for us at the crosswalks, and allowed us to do a "die-in" (lying on the ground) for one traffic cycle. I had no idea anyone was planning on doing, nor did I know the cops were going to allow us to do it.

I am not for disrupting traffic or people's lives to make a point, but I almost did it, because I thought, "What the hell, the cops are allowing and #e." But, my wife, in her wisdom, was like, "What the #? No, don't lie down with those people, I don't think it's a good idea."
And I said, "Yeah, you're right! Eff that!"

I have since come to the conclusion that all political movements either originate from the CIA/Illuminati/Big Corps., or get co-opted by them. Even if they are not, blocking traffic, and shutting down malls and airports, is not just obnoxious, it's dangerous.

How would they feel if a cute little black girl died in an ambulance on the way to a hospital because they shut down a bridge or an intersection? What a bunch of morons.

posted on Jan, 1 2016 @ 05:13 PM
They didn't shut down the Mall of America because it's private and they would have been sued for every dime they g=have and any they would make in the future. A lawyer friend said within 6 months they would have been done. The people at the top need that money just like Occupy Wall Street where did the money go???

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: mikell
They didn't shut down the Mall of America because it's private and they would have been sued for every dime they g=have and any they would make in the future. A lawyer friend said within 6 months they would have been done. The people at the top need that money just like Occupy Wall Street where did the money go???

Haha. I was involved with Occupy Honolulu, and we were supposedly going to get thousands of dollars from OWS. I didn't hang out long enough to find out if they did, and I don't know where it went.

The lawyers for Occupy Honolulu just got $80,000 from the city, though. What a bunch of bs!

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
You need a history lesson but please show us where the founding fathers protested on the streets with the intent of hurting colonials. They took the opisit approach they were fighting taxes and made it hard for England to collect from the colonists.everything they did was to hurt the British never the colonists.

Wow. Okay. So let's rewind to the context: I brought this up because it was being argued that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization. That argument has been pinned on the notion that intentionally interrupting commerce or damaging property in pursuit of a political goal is terrorism. I pointed out that if we make the bar that low, "terrorism" becomes meaningless as a label, since actions that would be categorized thusly are routinely done throughout history and often considered justifiable, a la the Boston Tea Party. So, you know, what you just said is basically meaningless in the context of the conversation.

But hey, let's just give that a pass anyhow. If you don't understand that the American Revolution was a war where blood was spilled in pursuit of the political goal of autonomy, the hope of starting a new nation where new rules could be written, there is nothing I can do for you. You'll need some intensive tutoring.

So to make this simple for you since you seem to have a disconnect. They are purposefully hurting the citizens of the city by blocking an airport and creating havoc to businesses and people trying to travel for the holidays. Why are they doing this they believe if they hurt people the government will give in to their demands. So please stop the founding fathers BS it just shows a lack of understanding on your part. If you think its ok to disrupt the public for a cause them you believe terrorism is ok and that's fine but at least be honest about it.They made a threat and then carried it out warning in fact it would continue as I said bad policy on their behalf

I'm afraid the embarassing failure to comprehend here is all yours. They are drawing attention to themselves to make a political point. It's a time-honored tradition. You hate that they are doing it, I suppose, because they are largely black. After all, you don't apply any of the same criterion to the overwhelmingly white forefathers of the United States who felt that their goals were worthy enough to justify disruption of order and damage to property. It's rather transparent. Were your notions less craven you'd have found a thousand ways to make that clear in your many posts.

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