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#BlackLivesMatter Sets Up "Decoy" Protest in Attempt to Shut Down Airport

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posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Meh, shoppers get disrupted for a day, the protesters are protesting state sanctioned oppression and murder.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: intrptr

As opposed to hood sanctioned oppression and murder. Personally, I feel pretty oppressed when I go out at night to certain areas and use an ATM and have to worry about getting my head blown off. Or you see a group of thugs in a mall walking and have to worry whether you and your family are going to be in the wrong place when a gunfight breaks out. Just happened in North Carolina, so its not my imagination. Yes, they may feel police oppression but anyone who lives around areas with high crime feels oppressed, and that includes law abiding black people
edit on 25-12-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: intrptr

As opposed to hood sanctioned oppression and murder. Personally, I feel pretty oppressed when I go out at night to certain areas and use an ATM and have to worry about getting my head blown off. Or you see a group of thugs in a mall walking and have to worry whether you and your family are going to be in the wrong place when a gunfight breaks out. Just happened in North Carolina, so its not my imagination. Yes, they may feel police oppression but anyone who lives around areas with high crime feels oppressed, and that includes law abiding black people

Uh Oh, the cops in white middle class neighborhoods don't stop and harass people.

Cops in 'the hood' profile, search and interrogate for 'driving while black', 'walking while black'.

Fear of getting hurt (by police) causes people to run or fight that results in injury, shootings or arrests for "resisting".

Generalizing by referring to people as "thugs" shows the conditioning . We think they are all criminals in the hood, because we been taught to think that way. Police treat different demographics differently and thats the problem BLM is trying to bring out.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Uh Oh, the cops in white middle class neighborhoods don't stop and harass people.

Yes, thats true, the MINUTE you walk into a white neighborhood the police stop harassing you.
(do you really believe this?)

Cops in 'the hood' profile, search and interrogate for 'driving while black', 'walking while black'.

When you see the same thing 3000 times you tend to do that.

Fear of getting hurt (by police) causes people to run or fight that results in injury, shootings or arrests for "resisting".

And yet if you were to just stand there calmly and cooperate with the officer, your chances of not getting shot would probably go up astronomically. And I am sure there are scores of people who DO cooperate. The subset of the ones who dont who get shot are the ones we hear about. There is your "conditioning" maybe?

Generalizing by referring to people as "thugs" shows the conditioning . We think they are all criminals in the hood, because we been taught to think that way. Police treat different demographics differently and that's the problem BLM is trying to bring out.

No, the way some people conduct themselves in the hood is what is conditioning us. I am not referring to every black person I see in a mall, I am referring to the THUGS. Newsflash, they DO exist. And you know it when you see them. As people don't like to get murdered, they start to avoid these places and people. That's not conditioning, it's human nature, and there are plenty of black people who feel that way as well.
edit on 25-12-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: introvert
Like I said, this is going to boil down to bigotry and the color of people's skin. That's what this is all about. Don't know why people are using this as an example to project their bigotry on to black people. I'd have more respect if people would just say that they are racist, instead of beating around the bush like a bunch of pansies afraid to say what they really think.

I've read pretty much all the posts in this thread, and frankly I'm beginning to wonder if your own personal bias is what is leading you to perceive others as being racist for voicing their displeasure over the actions of BLM. The fact is by definition what BLM does, and has done in the past, can fall under the banner of Terrorism (if only just). This isn't racist, it is just the sad reality of things. But just so there isn't any confusion here is the more detailed definition of Terrorism.

terrorism definition

Acts of violence committed by groups that view themselves as victimized by some notable historical wrong. Although these groups have no formal connection with governments, they usually have the financial and moral backing of sympathetic governments. Typically, they stage unexpected attacks on civilian targets, including embassies and airliners, with the aim of sowing fear and confusion. Israel has been a frequent target of terrorism, but the United States has increasingly become its main target. ( See also September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah, and Basque region.)

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

OR maybe this definition, if you don't like the one above

The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. See also antiterrorism; combating terrorism; counterterrorism; force protection condition; terrorist; terrorist groups.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.

As you can see, BLM does seem to fit the bill and even though they haven't resorted to violence yet it doesn't mean they aren't walking a VERY fine line. The more videos that get posted calling for the death of all police/white/whatever the more likely the public and the government are going to be to see them as such. If the leaders of BLM were smart they would try and distance themselves and the movement from such radicals. Sadly though it seems as though they welcome the calls of mass killings, and that alone should send a clear message that violence isn't that far off.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: openminded2011

What you call the hood is what used to be called the ghetto. Lack of education, health care, broken families, drugs, alcohol, gangs, you expect people to just rise above all that? Maybe they aren't that strong.

You think the people protesting in BLM have no issue, tell them that.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: openminded2011

replying twice…

…the MINUTE you walk into a white neighborhood the police stop harassing you. (do you really believe this?)

I lived in Silicon Valley my whole life, here we have both 'hoods'. I have moved and lived in them both, plus done stints of homeless, I know the difference.

You can pretend all you want there isn't a difference the way police behave towards people depending on which side of the valley you live on (east or west, here).

But you're right I wouldn't move into East Palo Alto or Oakland either, or China town, the Tong, whatever. I'm not suicidal enough to think I can live on the 'wrong side of the tracks'.
edit on 25-12-2015 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: openminded2011

What you call the hood is what used to be called the ghetto. Lack of education, health care, broken families, drugs, alcohol, gangs, you expect people to just rise above all that? Maybe they aren't that strong.

You think the people protesting in BLM have no issue, tell them that.

And yet Indians and Koreans go into these neighborhoods, work hard and flourish. Its all in the mindset.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Again, what do the shoppers have to do with it?

How does disrupting shoppers do anything other than tick off people who might otherwise be sympathetic?

The real object of these protests should be the system doing the oppressing, that is what the 1st Amendment right to protest is all about, not about saying I want to protest so I'm going to go over to this unrelated venue and tick off these unrelated people to try to prove some point or create a mess.

You know, I am beginning to think that BLM is composed of cowards. If the actual Civil Rights folks of yesteryear wanted to protest the police and their brutality, you better believe they'd be camped out in the actual police stations. Those folks, especially the ones who got firehosed and had police dogs set on them, must be rolling in their graves or shaking their heads in shame.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: TonyS

I don't think it will get to that point. However, the way it is handled at this time will be one of 2 things. 1) Either it will die does as the rest of the country has no interest in helping out or in the protest. Or
2) It will fade out, a few bandages and it will simmer for a few years until those bandages end up being ripped off.

But in either case it will take a lot of work to come up with viable solution. Hopefully it will not be another self imposed or another imposed segregation.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

The reason is that they saw from the last national movement, Black Power, where the country started to see the rise of Affirmative Action and other social programs that came around. And that movement was hoping to capitalize on the Civil Rights Movement, and other groups.

And whose fault is this? It is not the fault of the protesters, or those they are seeking to protest against, while it is both of their faults. You see we as a society have been programmed from one point to another, to see one thing or another. You see, ever since the 1800's and days of slavery, the one thing is clear, most of the time those of African descent were never seen fully as human, or equal to the rest of society. If you look at the names often given to describe such, it changed from generation to generation, until finally we get to today. And still they do not see that as along as they name movements like Black Lives Matter, the label still exist.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I am sure white neighborhoods with a high crime rate see a lot of harrassment by cops. So do black neighborhoods with a high crime rate. I think the level of harassment has less to do with race than the intensity of criminal activity in an area and who is predominantly committing the crime in an area. If it's white teenagers doing it, they will get looked at more by the cops, if its black teenagers doing it, the same. Maybe there is some level of profiling going on, but I don't know how you are going to get that so stop because thats just human nature and people are flawed. A couple years ago, my car got stolen and when I reported it, I was treated very callously by the cops who initailly came on the scene, one who was white and one who was black. I felt like they were treating ME like a criminal when it was my car that got stolen. Did you ever think, maybe the cops treat EVERYONE poorly to some degree? From their standpoint, its them and the "civies".
edit on 25-12-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: openminded2011

Yep, cops will harass you if they want to.

Long time ago, husband and I were driving back from one of my track meets when we were in college. We were in an old beater car taking back roads because that was the most efficient way back from Lincoln, Nebraska, at the time. It was latish (10, 11pm) when this car pulls out behind us. We were not speeding at the time, but husband was tired. The car proceeds to tailgate us until it had pushed us over the speed limit despite there being plenty of room to pass. Then all of a sudden lights and sirens go on and they pull us over. You could see them in the rearview laughing at us.

Another time, different small town. This one we drive through just north of my folks' place. There is a four way stop. Husband missed it until he was already 3/4 of the way out into the intersection. No one is around, so what do you do? He goes on. About a mile out of town, here comes the cop! He pulls us over. Husband hands over proof of insurance, but it was one month expired (new card not in the car yet). On Easter Sunday, cop threatens to arrest husband for that unless he can provide instant proof of insurance. This is before we had cell phones. You think he would have done that to a local?

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Soros, yea. But it doesn't really matter. THe US has plenty of enemies willing to tear this society apart.

It'll be bad in 2016.

But after 2017, all hell will break lose regardless of who is put into the White house. I think the BLM types at least had some "hope' with Obama in office. Without him there and some feckless white jerk replacing him, the fecal matter will really hit the fan.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 11:04 AM
First several posts I saw were anti-BLM & I frankly kept picturing the posters as White Guys with the same attitude as the man who shot black kids to death outside a convenience store because THEIR MUSIC WAS TOO LOUD and who then, satisfied by his fear & hate driven work, tucked in to a satisfying pizza & enjoyed some TV. Even going off to jail he was puzzled & bemused for he certainly knew & thought everyone knew that

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: openminded2011

And yet Indians and Koreans go into these neighborhoods, work hard and flourish. Its all in the mindset.

Race hatred flourishes there, too.

During the Rodney King riots, Korean stores were singled out for punishment because resentment towards them for price gouging.

Ever see Do the Right Thing?

Language, PC and Stereotypical Warning!

edit on 25-12-2015 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It ain't about the shoppers, its about white power base in America and the maltreatment, unjust and unfair systemic abuse in that system towards blacks.

They tried directly protesting in Ferguson, look what that got them. Military reprisal.

They tried marching in the street, and protesting the police station? Who cares, the media was mostly silent.

But hey shut down a mall or airport and its high crime and treason.

Finally got a touch of attention, which is quickly shut down by cries of, the poor shoppers…

If the police were to enter a peaceful mall and beat the s*** out of shoppers one day for no particular reason, then you'd be incensed. Can't let anything interfere with the revenue flow.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Excuse me, White power base in America? We have a BLACK president, Black supreme court justices,black attorney general,and a black US ambassador to the United Nations. For being so scornful of black people we certainly don't mind being governed by them or voting for them.

As for the "white power base" if its so powerful and so ethnocentric, why are the majority of poor people in the US white? you would think if they were favoring whites over other groups, those favored whites would be doing better. Do a websearch on poverty of whites in America, you will see its pretty widespread.

Now I have a question for you. Why does BLM focus on white cops shooting black men, but totally ignores the epidemic of violence that black men visit upon each other? Its kind of incongruous when we see such a level of moral outrage over a white cop shooting a black man, but none when black men kill each other by the hundreds every year. This is what most people just can't understand, and I have yet to hear anyone from black lives matter address it. Please feel free to do so.

edit on 25-12-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim

originally posted by: Vector99
a reply to: Prezbo369

Yea lets not call an apple an apple.

You should probably supply context and sourcing for those photographs. One is of rioters in Baltimore in the wake of the Freddie Gray incident. The other is of FSA fighters in Syria. What is your point in comparing the two with no context or explanation?

Think they are trying to point out vandalism is another form if terrorism. It can be but not always depends on if it is intentional. For exmple trying to shut down an airport intentionally that is terrorism. But if a random riot broke out closing the airport the intent wasn't there. It was just a consequence of the riot. In the case of BLM they are intentionally trying to disrupt society in order to change policy. That is the very definition of a terrorist.

They might be trying to say that. But here's the thing. The Free Syrian Army aren't terrorists and the riots that went on in Baltimore weren't organized by BLM, so really, if one were to post those pictures together without context in hopes of implying the conclusion you drew, it would be embarrassingly racist. It relies on an ignorant viewer readily assuming that Arabs running around together in the Middle East must be terrorists and that the actions of black rioters in Baltimore are inseparable from those of BLM because they are black. That would be downright shameful.

And as an aside, if "trying to disrupt society in order to change policy" is "terrorist", MLK Jr. and Gandhi are some terrorist all-time greats. And let's not even get into the tactics of the Founding Fathers! Thankfully for all of us in the United States, disruptive protest is not tantamount to terrorism. People shouldn't be in such a hurry to give up their rights simply because they don't need them at the moment and don't like how others are using them. Tolerating people protesting for something you don't agree with is the price you pay for the right to raise your own voice when you feel an injustice is being done.
edit on 25-12-2015 by JohnnyElohim because: Grammar correction.

edit on 25-12-2015 by JohnnyElohim because: Another correction. Guilty of posting without coffee.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: JohnnyElohim

Martin luthor king did rallies inviting people to attend and hear him speak. He didn't try to prevent anyone from doing anything. And he never used violence as a means to accomplish his goals. Sad you don't seem to see the difference in non violent protests and trying to disrupt civil society.

If BLM wants to hold rallies they are free to do so. If they want to prevent people from being able to do things that is domestic terrorism. Less violent then blowing things up but the goals are the same. Get people to demand a change to prevent them from continuing.

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