a reply to: rigel4
To me there are a lot of best bands in the world. If my ears like the tune or if there is a good story to be told I more then likely love it. Good rip
of a guitar or drums that wont stop.
Like somebody said ...Swedish chicks rock.
i was a big beatles fan in the sixties but times have changed , the quality of today's music is much better due to the electronic tweaking and
orchestral backing , abba and queen made use of this and produced some fantastic music .
Im not going to say it upsets me to hear you refer what your dad thought was great about the name at the same time I thought it during the living
years of ABBA popularity, but I will confess it freaks me out....slightly. Does this mean I could be your mum?
a reply to: rigel4
what does bowlful mean? As to the thread title "the best band n the world" I think you need to try listening to some real music. Sure they were a pop
band that was succesful, but the best band?
a reply to: rigel4
what does bowlful mean? As to the thread title "the best band n the world" I think you need to try listening to some real music. Sure they were a pop
band that was succesful, but the best band?