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Sheriff alerted after man buys many BB pellets and box cutter blades

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posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: sdcigarpig
a reply to: SPECULUM

So we should live by fear rather than face life with courage? That we no longer have the decency and common courtesy to say that the person is a fellow human being and that they deserve the same respect as others of the same species?

The problem has been and will always be labels. Oh there will be protests, and those protesting will have valid complaints, but the only thing that gets done is a bandaid to sooth hurt feelings, neither side wanting to admit that the real issue is that one group, tends to treat the other group as less than what they are.

And if you think that is such a bad thing, consider this: If fear causes that kind of behavior, where the group is being demonized, and shunned, where do you think that they are going to turn to for acceptance?
Its knowing the difference of intent by whom you come in contact with and keeping a vigilant eye on your surroundings and Respect for the nature of the Beast...Do you Fear the Wild, Bears,Wolves,Cougars, Venomous Snakes and Spiders?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: rupertg
Yesterday at Costco I saw a middle eastern looking man buy a case of Mentos and a crate of Diet Coke.

Yeah, you bet your butt I called the FBI.

See something. Say something!

A poster reminder: It's not even needed as people are doing it willingly.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

And, my thoughts, they keep frequenting WalMart for that reason. I know this sounds weird, but since the San Bernadino shooting the photo of Forook and his Missus, Jihadi Jane, is the photo take at O'Hare. I think the Forook wannabes are liking the idea of having photos of them available for "after" their jihad.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Oh, this just keeps getting better by the second. We go from Cell phones to Propane bottles, to Laptops, to Sniffing around sensitive areas at Bagnell Dam and Whiteman Air force base, to now, large Bomb making Regalia at another Walmart in Lees Summit Missouri. And by no other, than another Middle Eastern Man. Now I'm not saying that this is Suspicious or a Conspiracy, But come on Folks..,Lets Deny Ignorance. Why are these men not being Collected and Scrutinized with Prejudice?

If someone is well funded enough to make all of these purchases, don't you think they would make them at various places around the country? Besides that, you're not going to take out a dam with a few stolen propane tanks.

That said, this purchase on it's own is suspicious, those two items being bought in bulk are a bit questionable.

Oh, one other thing. Have all of these purchases been linked to the same person or group of people? Just how many people do you think they have, all operating in one area? Seems unlikely.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUMYou better wake up..this is a sick world, and living inside a hippy bubble will only get you killed...Seriously

Far more harm is caused by those who worry about what others might do, than by those who do it.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

Let me explain a few things.

When a fellow of Western European extraction walks into a store and buys the same things, there is never a call for the police to round up all the Western Europeans and check them for body bombs, search their backpacks for explosives, or their homes for bomb making equipment.

Furthermore, even trained officers of the law, the stalwart pillars of society that they are, cannot tell easily between different ethnicities. I am of Welsh, Irish, Scots and English decent, with a little Roman *FX: Spit, CLANG* thrown in no doubt. None the less, during the height of the terrorism fear after the London bombings, a police car waved me over while I was walking home one night, and the officers within asked me if I was *insert Afghan name here*. When I explained that, no, actually, I am as British as you can be without becoming one hundred percent stereotype, they showed me a top ten list of fellows they were looking out for. They thought I was a terror suspect.

What I am getting at is, that one cannot operate a policy where everyone who shares a loose familiarity with a suspect gets rounded up, and also it is hard for even trained officers to tell the difference between persons of differing backgrounds. Racial profiling does not work. It is flawed, and always has been. The police and security services would be much better off, if they concentrated on factors specific to the individual they are looking for, exact height, estimated weight, gait length, the distance between the bridge of the nose and the eyes, the clothes the suspect was wearing, the type of tread on the model of boot, and so on. Those at least offer a more precise set of metrics to work from, than a vague impression of middle eastern origins.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: neo96

KANSAS CITY, Mo. —A recent purchase of a large amount of sling shot ammo, similar to BB pellets, and a large amount of replacement box cutter blades at a Lee's Summit, Mo. Walmart, has triggered the attention of the Jackson County Sheriff's Office and federal authorities.


Talk about making a mountain out of a sinkhole.

My fellow Americans ?

Please take a step back and breathe.

Take another step back and breathe.

Treading dangerously close to the 'boy who cried wolf syndrome'.

seriously guys
you know youve gone off the deep end when neo is the voice of reason here

nails can and are used as shrapnel
are we going to start flagging any large purchase of nails?
what about aluminum and iron? you could oxide those and make thermite
how about fuel?
ammonia and chlorine?

the list goes on almost indefinitely
personally i think some of these comments are potentially far more concerning than this dude essentially buying some ball bearings and razor blades
edit on 19-12-2015 by fartlordsupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

No I do not fear the wild, bears, wolves, cougars, venomous snakes and spiders. And truth be told, bears, wolves, cougars, venomous snakes and spiders fear man more so. Those of the animal kingdom that do not fear man, has learned through experience that man is squishy and easy to kill. Most are born to be wary of such. But that is besides the point.

In order to make it easy to hate a person or a group is simply to make them less than what they are, and start by producing a label and eventually the idea that they are like yourself starts to fade and one will see them as something else, and no longer human. Then it is a matter of time before there is no guilt or empathy for say killing them. History is loaded with such, where fear and the labeling of one group or another has lead to genocide, murder, bigotry, persecution and the outright discrimination of various groups. The NAZI's did it to the Jewish people, then spread to all of those who are consider less than humans, even those who were sick, or different. Even the USA did such, to various immigrant groups, native americans, the Japanese, and those of African Americans. Then it was the Latino community, then those who smoke, then the LGBT community, the Latino community again, and now those who appear to be from the middle east, all out of fear and distrust. Religion is used to justify the hatred, persecution and then the outright bigotry of such, and all the while, it is not that said "Bad" group is not considered human, but a label is slapped on, and there you go, they are no longer considered full human, and ultimately are now starting to be seen as something else, and less than.

And who pays the prices for such actions, ultimately those who are totally innocent and who did nothing wrong. Everyone is jumping to conclusions, attacking without thinking, where they are starting to commit acts of violence and crimes.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 07:31 AM
Hmm you would think buying this stuff on the internet would be in Order .

Sounds like extreme paranoia to me.

And again the select few on ATS who LOVE flooding ATS with all the Muslim shenanigans.

On a side note , didnt people act the same way with communism? Many moons ago?

Guess the paranoia is passed down the gene pool.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:46 AM
And I have to show an ID to buy Sudafed.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons

You really know very little about terrorism in America do you? The group that commits the most terrorist acts are Hispanic and Middle Eastern types actually commit the least. Forget the propaganda you've been fed and look at reality.
a reply to: buster2010

Let's not confuse specific ISIS terrorism from other types of terrorism. You're purposely ignoring the fact the majority of ISIS and radical Islam related terrorism are committed by middle eastern types. The facts are clearly documented.

3,110 killed by Muslims in America in 82 terror attacks (and Islam-related honor killings) Since 9/11 there have been 89 killed by Muslims in America in 47 attacks

The number of attacks committed by radical Islamic's in America ...LINK

Never said anything about middle Eastern types not committing acts of terrorism here in the states did I? But the fact remains that Arabs commit far fewer terrorist attacks here in the states than non middle easterners. White and black people commit many times more attacks. Also you need to find better sources than that Islamophobes Robert Spencer's website.
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
And I have to show an ID to buy Sudafed.

Well of course crystal Meth cuts into big pharma's profits.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: buster2010

You still don't get it! We're talking about ISIS supported terrorism in the U.S.. You knew exactly what I was talking about. We're not talking about terrorism or attacks in general. You're construing facts to cover the truth.

As far as the source, actual documented attacks don't lie whatever website they're found on. These same attacks can be found on any website. If it walks and squawks like a duck - its a duck. It's really that simple.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Walmart has Armed Security...Walmart's Surveillance is like Vegas, and they also have face recognition software

I always go to Walmart with my Oakley sunglasses, baseball cap and a 5 o'clock shadow with a bit of biker leather... I probably drive security crazy when scoping out the hunting gear lol... In Vegas they wouldn't let me enter casino's till the cap and glasses came off.... so Walmart is not much like Vegas....yet.

Anyway this whole "middle eastern looking man" thing is a bunch of BS.... where is the outcry for middle eastern looking men at Lowes and Home Depot?

Yeah it's BS because Walmart connects with the stereotyped paranoid sheeple crowd.....
edit on 19-12-2015 by imitator because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:41 AM
Sheriff alerted after man buys many BB pellets and box cutter blades

Welcome to the GDR!!!

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:50 AM
I used to think like most of you, believing that most people were good and that they could be trusted, even after i was mistreated by various peoples and races throughout my life. But there finally came that day of awakening, after years of defending Muslims, even after 911 and disregarding the warnings i was given about their creepy crawly nature and their agendas. THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM

Its knowing the difference of intent by whom you come in contact with and keeping a vigilant eye on your surroundings and Respect for the nature of the Beast...Do you Fear the Wild, Bears,Wolves,Cougars, Venomous Snakes and Spiders?

Are you aware that you keep referring to people, based solely on a geographic determinate, as savage, dangerousness animals and a variety of other ignorant blanket statements? Or is it entirely an unconscious response? Based on your own innate fears? You are essentially equating anyone born in that region with ISIS supporters despite the fact that there's no way in hell you could tell the difference between a Lebanese Christian and Syrian Muslim. It's a disingenuous proposition that defies the actual facts. And those facts include the number of attacks on American soil by Muslims is entirely negligible when compared to any other groups who have committed acts of terror here as well as the fact that more innocent Muslims have been killed by drones simply for attending a wedding dwarfs Muslim terror attacks worldwide. I guess fear mongrring is the new version of patriotism these days.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:18 AM
Maybe we should start a thread on Missouri. Being a Ham, I read a lot about radio and such and this caught my eye.

Someone is broadcasting NOAA weather radio with a carrier on top of the WWV time and frequency signal and the weather signal is from Missouri. I haven't heard it yet, but I'll be listening tonight.

By broadcasting the local signal on top of the shortwave signal, someone could send the weather forecast for, say, Missouri to anywhere in the world.

The signal was not identified on the video, but someone ID'ed it in the comments.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: SPECULUM

originally posted by: olaru12
Damn, I was at a gun show and saw a Black man buy a pistol and some .38 shells. Yikes.... I wonder if he was a Muslim.

See where this type of paranoia leads?

Did you see any Middle Eastern men Buying any AK47s and 10,000 rounds of ammo at the Gun Show Too???

No you didn't and you wont

Yeah and you think a ME man looking to buy bomb making supplies is going to go to Walmart with cameras everywhere in the store and in the parking lot. Does that make sense to you?
Sure, what the Hell does a Middle Eastern Man know about Walmart? Do they have Walmarts in Syria? Seriously? If they were going to blow themselves up anyway, why would they care, other than being recognized, so they can get praise from their Ignorant religion and fanatical Brethren?

Do you know that their are Mid Eastern Christians and other religions. They aren't all suicide bomber looking to kill people. I guess you need to fear and hate someone and the MsM is generating that fear.

If it's any consolation to you....we will be at war with boots on the Ground very soon, perhaps you can join the military; that is if you can pass the ASVAB....doubtful imo
edit on 19-12-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: butcherguy
And I have to show an ID to buy Sudafed.

Well of course crystal Meth cuts into big pharma's profits.

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