I agree about the loss of earnings, the compensation is crap in the UK and I'd lose a # load of money if I had to do jury service.
I would though, for the reasons I expressed earlier from my own experiences being found not guilty by a jury of my peers.
I owe the institution that at the least as payback.
Join the Fully Informed Juror Association. When you tell them you're a member, it is almost always an instant first round departure from the pool.
Another one which is perfectly legal and usually gets you excused quickly is to NEVER take your eyes off the defendant during the selection process.
When I've done that it has gone pretty similar both times. After a few minutes of intense staring, the defendant notices you're looking at them.
That's followed by several minutes of uncomfortableness. Then they start whispering to their lawyer. This is followed by several minutes of
uncomfortableness by both the defendant and their lawyer. You'll be among those quickly dismissed by the defense.