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Trump and the Anti-Trump hype

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posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:03 PM
while reading from different sources about Trump from the MSM sites like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and all the other Alphabet talking heads you would think that Trump was the worst person on the planet. While many think he is I think they should go back and listen to the many Trump Political speeches for themselves and even attend a rally for yourself before you believe what the MSM is feeding you about Trump.

While I am not sure yet who I will vote for in 2016, if we make it to the polls without an act of Marshall Law, I will decide after the campaigns before I cast the candidates, Dem, Rep or Ind under the bus or promote them

This is not in support of Trump but what I have noticed is that most of the anti-Trump rhetoric doesn't include the context or Trump's explanation for his remarks.

Once you put them in context and don't include your personal bias before hand, you can see where the MSM and many are making the mistakes concerning Trump statements.

I really enjoy how most of the MSM and many others around the world like to throw the xenophobic, islamaphobic and misogynistic title to anyone who has a different view. But what is more glaring is while wanting everyone else to be Politically Correct they themselves are not PC with Trump. They want you to conform to their view yet theirs is a biased, hateful and what we should use as a PC term "Trumpaphobic". they fear truth and in that they fear anyone who would be truthful just see what they are doing to Carson, Cruz, Rubio.

God help us when we judge others based on public opinion and political correctness of the MSM, instead of their ability to get the job done. Stop being the Sheeple of the MSM ans the like, and deny the ignorance on Trump and the other candidates. Then go out and vote in 2016 with your head and not your emotions.
edit on 13-12-2015 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

I think people are quick with labels, I agree. But those same people don't look at the reasons behind what he is saying. They just jump on certain comments he makes and disregard everything else he says. Not that I am particularly interested in US politics, but it's always the same setup wherever media is involved.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Maybe I understand where you are coming from?
Trump made a statement:

bar all Muslims from entering the country

THAT is what the majority of people I have spoken to heard. Those both for and against Trump.
The second half of the statement went like this:

until the nation’s leaders can “figure out what is going on”

The reason for the statement:

“Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” Mr. Trump said.

I'm concerned that people vote based on misinformation. If you are for OR against Trump one should study and KNOW who they are voting for.
This happens all over the board though in that things are "misheard" or "misrepresented" to serve a purpose.

Such is politics!

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:44 PM
In the ban all Muslims until [we] figure it out statement he tars all with the same brush.
What does anyone think about someone, somewhere wanting to ban all Christians because of the bad apples..and there are plenty of bad apples carrying a Christian badge around the world...IMO of course.
As for [we] figuring it out, how long would that take, and how would he ban US Muslim citizens, put them under house arrest?
He's talking shiite, and you don't need to be a qualified sociologist to figure that out.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

IN addition to your comment to which I whole heartily agree, I wish to explain a little about the term Muslim.

A Muslim is two things, one, it is a religious title of the adherent of Islam, and two, those of Islamic State/countries, whether they identify or not tot he religion are considered Muslim. As Islam is both a religion and political so are those who call themselves Muslim.

rThis generalization of Terms is what Trump referred too not the religion but the political area from which these refugee/immigrants come from. I wont label these migrants because migrant implies they will return home after their work is complete. Literally one who migrates is a like a gypsy moving from place to place for short periods of time for economical advantage.

It was the later that our migration laws were set up for but hijacked by certain Political groups to increase their voter base because they are losing voters. So now we no longer have migrants who come for temporary employment but we have immigrants who want to come and live here permanently and take advantage of the benefits that are supposed to be for citizens.

my spouse has a permanent Residence visa and she is not allowed to go on welfare, receive food stamps or any other Govt program. But these immigrant refugees are excluded from the required procedures of a visa program, and given full access to all govt assistant programs which they should not be allowed to avail. This is another issue that needs to be address with immigration reform to which Trump has acknowledged is a problem.

When my Great Great grandparent came to America from Holland and England they did not get any help in starting out except to be indentured servants to shipping companies looking for cheap labor to work in the new land America. they worked hard got out from their debt and bought land in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois farmed and raised cattle.

why is it today people want or should be allowed to come here and not make their way but just go on the Govt dole?

I guess the answer is for another thread.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Well said. S&F, and this applies to more than just Trump.

The media is afraid of him because even when they misrepresent what he says he gains support. They want to control what we think. The political machine fears him because he can't be controlled through the normal avenues and if he gets elected it could pave the way for others who will remove the entrenched career politicians from their positions. They can't have that.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: smurfy
In the ban all Muslims until [we] figure it out statement he tars all with the same brush.

But is not that what you are doing with Trump painting his statements with a wide brush?

What does anyone think about someone, somewhere wanting to ban all Christians because of the bad apples..and there are plenty of bad apples carrying a Christian badge around the world...IMO of course.

But see what you are doing, you are dividing in order to try and prove a point. Remember that the Term Muslim not only is a Religious adherent to Islam but also the termed used of concerning citizens of Isalmic countires in a generalization. That is what he was speaking off. Bad choice of words or terms don't make a bad person for pressident or then Obama would be the worst one yet ans should not be president at all, if we take it in the way you see it.

As for [we] figuring it out, how long would that take, and how would he ban US Muslim citizens, put them under house arrest?
If I am not mistaken he said while the refugges were here they should be monitored or put under house arrest until their vetting was done, but I am not sure he meant ALL US Muslims.

He's talking shiite, and you don't need to be a qualified sociologist to figure that out.

But then again aren't you talking "shiite" too?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:03 PM
not to drift but an important point is that the MSM hold the Dem debates on Saturday when viewing is the lowest and then ask softball questions and even cut short the debate because no one is watching. This is what keeps Hillary propped up as the top runner for Dem presidential candidate.

The MSM is biased against Trump and other Rep Candidates as well as against Ind and Dem's that oppose Hillary.

And if you look at how they interpret Hillary's words it is no different than that of Trumps out of context and with a lot of fluff added. the only difference they are trying to build up Hillary in keeping her words out of context.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: smurfy

The Christians arent killing people. That was 500 yrs ago. It was actually the Catholics not the Christians. oh well.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn

originally posted by: smurfy
In the ban all Muslims until [we] figure it out statement he tars all with the same brush.

But is not that what you are doing with Trump painting his statements with a wide brush?

Just the one thus far!

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: smurfy

That was 500 yrs ago. It was actually the Catholics not the Christians. oh well.

Eh? d'yuh live in a parallel universe or what!

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: smurfy

you guys are drifting from the OP please stay on thread.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
while reading from different sources about Trump from the MSM sites like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and all the other Alphabet talking heads you would think that Trump was the worst person on the planet. While many think he is I think they should go back and listen to the many Trump Political speeches for themselves and even attend a rally for yourself before you believe what the MSM is feeding you about Trump.

While I am not sure yet who I will vote for in 2016, if we make it to the polls without an act of Marshall Law, I will decide after the campaigns before I cast the candidates, Dem, Rep or Ind under the bus or promote them

This is not in support of Trump but what I have noticed is that most of the anti-Trump rhetoric doesn't include the context or Trump's explanation for his remarks.

Once you put them in context and don't include your personal bias before hand, you can see where the MSM and many are making the mistakes concerning Trump statements.

I really enjoy how most of the MSM and many others around the world like to throw the xenophobic, islamaphobic and misogynistic title to anyone who has a different view. But what is more glaring is while wanting everyone else to be Politically Correct they themselves are not PC with Trump. They want you to conform to their view yet theirs is a biased, hateful and what we should use as a PC term "Trumpaphobic". they fear truth and in that they fear anyone who would be truthful just see what they are doing to Carson, Cruz, Rubio.

God help us when we judge others based on public opinion and political correctness of the MSM, instead of their ability to get the job done. Stop being the Sheeple of the MSM ans the like, and deny the ignorance on Trump and the other candidates. Then go out and vote in 2016 with your head and not your emotions.

I have seen Trump's stand-alone speeches. He is an awful person.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: smurfy

you guys are drifting from the OP please stay on thread.

There's only one Smurfy here as far as I see not two.
But as for getting off topic, you are ahead of the game already. You refer to Muslim as being a generalization, no it's not, it means a follower of the religion of Islam, or about those followers of Islam, or their religion.
You are just being crafty to cover up the vagueness of Trump talking about Muslims, and his sheer lack of tact and decorum, as he promotes the name of Trump.
IS, however has nothing to do with any religion except themselves, and shades of, just another would be dictatorship form a distant past.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: smurfy

look to the reply I am replying too and I am speaking of both smurfy and the other guy.

Politically citizens of an Islamic Country are referred to as Muslims.

but as far as lack of decorum and tact go to one of his meetings yourself and go and watch the many videos on You tube and see if you aren't just trumping someone else's horn.

A worldwide Islamic State would be just fine with ISIS however it is also fine for ALL Muslims as well.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 02:07 PM

I have seen Trump's stand-alone speeches. He is an awful person.

Awful people can still be effective leaders.

I'd much prefer someone who can get things done to someone I'd "like".
Is Hillary a good person? No, yet she still has supporters as well.

What I want in a POTUS:
1) Someone who puts American interests FIRST
2) Someone who can be flexible and go with the tide of public support on an issue
3) Someone who won't involve us in crap unless there is something in it for us
4) Someone who understands that some folks need a help up (vs. a handout), but that the average working stiff shouldn't have to make up said difference
5) Someone who can meet with foreign leaders who know that they aren't going to get the upper hand with him/her
6) Someone who can make effective deals in our interest
7) Someone who understands what our military objectives should be in any military action
8) Someone who understands ISIS is a threat to be eliminated, not contained, just because it is conveniently hampering Russia.
9) Someone who can see where the US is losing money hand over fist, and take steps to stem this.

Gay marriage? Could care less, I'm not gay, and the Supreme Court has already ruled on it.
Abortion? See above. No need to revive dead issues.
Racism? Done with PC nonsense. The more it is talked about, the worse it gets, so the answer is to just stop the nonsense.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Humph I've known that Trump was a egotistical and narcissistic blowhard LONG before he ran for the Presidency. Heck long before the Apprentice.

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