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The oculus rift VR headset With xbox one

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posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 07:40 PM
Im hoping to get some real answers here. Does anyone on ATS have it yet?
If you have it, what are you playing on it and how does it respond.
what is your honest opinion?

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Are you referring to the Actual Oculus Rift or Microsoft's separate VR Project Hololens? As far as I know and have heard so far the O.R. VR set is not going to be directly compatible with the Xbox One despite rumors otherwise.

Xbox One and Oculus Rift Article

The retail version of Oculus Rift is confirmed to have an Xbox One controller, and Microsoft says that Windows 10 will natively support the virtual reality peripheral, calling it the best platform to play games using Oculus Rift. Microsoft also intends to replace Xbox One's operating system with Windows 10, which caused fans to speculate that the Oculus will probably work natively with the console as well. However, Microsoft has put a stop to the circulating rumors.

"We've said that Xbox One will be able to stream games through Windows 10 to the Rift, letting you play Xbox One games in your own virtual reality cinema. This means you can play your favorite Xbox games on a cinema screen in VR - it will be like playing games in your very own theater. We have nothing further to share at this time," says a Microsoft spokesperson.

It seems that Microsoft isn't planning on focusing on the Xbox One and Oculus Rift mix, but the company is working on the virtual reality gear's integration with Windows 10.

I have a concern over the amount of raw power of the XBone/PS4 to truly deliver smooth VR without the purposed cloud enhancements for the console which in itself has not been proven yet either.I don't think other than local streaming from a computer to the Xbone you will not see the OR being pushed practically by the XBones mediocre performance even having trouble running full 1080p on many titles so in mind VR is out of the question unless the Xbone is supplemented.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:34 PM
I was hoping someone would have bought the dev kit 1 or 2 and had some input on it.
Im really looking forward to getting my hands on one.

posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
I was hoping someone would have bought the dev kit 1 or 2 and had some input on it.
Im really looking forward to getting my hands on one.

I'm going to buy the full retail version of the 'Rift when it comes out as even Dev. Kit 2 has some pretty crude displays compared to the O.R. retail version. The recomended requirements on the Rift' are way higher than the Xbone or PS4
According to Oculus

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater

In my opinion even that is on the low side seeing as the Rift runs at a resolution of 2160x1200pixels at a refresh rate of 90FPS, so even fairly mediocre quality graphics will be hard to drive with your average gaming PC now and for the foreseeable future.

posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: BigDave-AR

On the oculus website i see they have the rift pair with PC's for purchase.

As for use on the XBONE, ive seen videos of people using the Oculus while playing games like COD, or Dying Light.

posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: BigDave-AR

On the oculus website i see they have the rift pair with PC's for purchase.

As for use on the XBONE, ive seen videos of people using the Oculus while playing games like COD, or Dying Light.
There is no way that your going to be running a AAA Title with the local Xbone hardware the resolution is way to high along with needing a 50% increase in the frame rates when the the Xbone has trouble running many AAA titles at even 900p resolution at 60fps so 2160x1200@90hz is really out of the question for anything but basic Indy titles. So you're either seeing a demonstration of the local PC streaming that Microsoft is rolling out. Not to mention due to the nature of VR any frame rate drop is going to break immersion a lot more than with viewing on a monitor.

From what I've seen they're shooting for $1500 for the Oculus and gaming PC combo. Or nearly $400 for Oculus unit itself. I might wait for the Q2 '16 when they release their dual motion tracked Bluetooth controllers.
edit on 12/10/2015 by BigDave-AR because: Added pricing info

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