posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:54 PM
"Lucy Allan, MP for Telford, posted an edited comment targeting her on Facebook – but had added the line ‘unless you die’.
Allan wanted to portray the ‘unacceptable’ torrent of abuse MPs receive ‘most days and that most people tolerate silently’."
Are there any lengths these people will not go to in an attempt to justify there obviously unwanted hence illegal attack on the nation of Syria?
I mean come on, she blatantly adds the words "unless you die", essentially faking a death threat. Then claims she done so to highlight an unacceptable
torrent of abuse!
She should be jailed held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
Fact is if these people can lie about death threats we have to wonder what else do they get up to and exactly how far they will go in an attempt to
justify there actions? on 8-12-2015
by andy06shake because: (no reason given)